(NEW CALL TIME) Media annotations Working Group telephone conference 2008-09-09 agenda

*NOTE:* To avoid a late night call time for participants from the 
American West coast we have decided to make the meeting two hours later 
than I had announced at


Media Annotations Working Group telephone conference 2008-09-09

Tuesday, 9 September *13:00-14:00 UTC* (9:00am-10:00am Boston local)
Local time: 
Bridge US: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
Bridge FR: +
Bridge UK: +44.117.370.6152
Conference code : 6294 (spells "MAWG")
Duration : 60 minutes
IRC channel          : #mediaann on irc.w3.org:6665
W3C IRC Web Client   : http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc
Other clients are listed at http://www.w3.org/Project/IRC/#Client
Zakim information    : http://www.w3.org/2002/01/UsingZakim
Zakim bridge monitor : http://www.w3.org/1998/12/bridge/Zakim.html
Zakim IRC bot        : http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html

1) Introductions

a) Co-chair Daniel Park from Samsung, co-chair Felix Sasaki from W3C 
(interims, see below)

2) Selection of scribe for next meeting
Scribe list: http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/
Scribe FAQ:

3) Future telephone conferences
next call to be decided.
I will propose some dates later

4) Call for co-chair
Felix is only an interim co-chair. We are looking for an alternative.

5) Resources

a) charter

b) Public WG home page

c) WG Call for Participation

d) Public email discussion list

e) Membership

6) Good standing / requirements for participation
 From the charter: "Effective participation to Media Annotations Working 
Group is expected to consume one work day per week for each participant; 
two days per week for editors."

7) WG tools (IRC, Zakim, action item and issue tracking, etc.)

a) IRC

b) zakim bot

c) rrsagent bot

d) tracker for action item tracking
tracker hompage: http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/
tracker instance for our Working Group (note alive yet): 

e) bugzilla for issue tracking.
URI for existing issues: http://tinyurl.com/59ecly
URI for entering new issues of the Working Group: 
Explanation for new issues is at 

8) Editing

a) Editing environment
We will use xmlspec with Java Eclipse setup, see
Further information about editing at W3C: http://www.w3.org/2003/Editors/
Felix will help with editing setup (CVS account, xmlspec document 
templates etc.)

b) Editing location
A subdirectory of (to be created)

c) editing targets
 From the charter:
Ontology for Media Object Use Cases and Requirements
Ontology for Media Object 1.0
API for Media Object 1.0
interoperability testing, including corpus, interop report.
We will start with the Ontology for Media Object Use Cases and 
Requirements. Felix will prepare templates for all documents and prepare 
editors within this week.

d) editors as a team
We will have the same editors for all specifications as a team, +
"authors": everybody who makes a contribution to the text will be an
author (listed separately).

9) Working Group schedule

a) publication plan of initial WDs
Production of WDs in October 2008
Target: have decision on FPWD during TPAC meeting, publication right after

b) WG F2F meeting Thu-Fri Oct 23-24, at W3C TPAC 2008

c) Second F2F meeting
Status: Proposal of a two day f2f at the beginning of December, location 
to be decided

10) Initial work item from the charter

a) From the charter

"The Group should look at the documents produced by the W3C Multimedia 
Semantics Incubator Group as a starting point and survey the existing 
metadata formats to focus on a specific set. The Group will start by 
focusing on discrete/finite simple video objects and will then expand at 
a later stage into streamed video, image, and audio."
"The Group should explore a minimal approach for specifying proper 
copyright licensing, which may require separate terms for specifying the 
holder of the copyright and the licensing terms."
"Full coverage of all metadata elements in EXIF, IPTC, XMP, MPEG-7, and 
similar broad vocabularies, is out of scope, as well as signal related 
A W3C Working Group Note for use cases and requirements for the Media 

b) First work items
Looking for input for requirements document from XG reports, various 
existing formats
Volunteers for specific formats & requirements derived from these?

11) AOB

12) Action Items (to be completed after the meeting)
action: Felix to get cvs account for Daniel and editors
action: Felix to check poll for regular call time
action: Felix to create directories for WG deliverables


Received on Friday, 5 September 2008 01:38:05 UTC