Re: Media annotations requirements draft

Dear Werner,

many thanks for the comments!

Bailer, Werner さんは書きました:
> Dear Felix, all,
> I've had a look at the draft and I have a few (minor) comments:
> - in the 2nd par. of the introduction there are missing references to
> the XG documents; the question is also if we should list here formats
> that we have not considered in our mapping table (e.g. iTunes XML)

Agree. I have taken out iTunes XML, and will update the missing 
references later, not only here, but in the complete document. I have 
added a temporary appendix "to be done" at the bottom of the document to 
keep track of such items.

> - 3rd par. of introduction: the formulation "access to selected
> metadata" could be misunderstood, we should make clear that the API will
> allow access to all elements defined by the ontology (which are selected
> elements from different formats)

I have taken that formulation into account, hope that's OK.

> - sect. 4: "not" in "MUST not" should be written in uppercase

Thanks, fixed.

> - requirement 13 should be requirement r13

Thanks, fixed.

> - what is the policy about use of British or American English? Currently
> it's mixed.

Good point. I'll use American English and make a spell check before 

Thanks again,


> Best regards,
> Werner
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of 
>> Felix Sasaki
>> Sent: Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008 18:05
>> To:;
>> Subject: Media annotations requirements draft
>> Dear all,
>> an update of the media annotations use cases and requirements 
>> draft is at
>> we are looking forward for feedback until January 12th, and want to
>> publish a first draft on Monday 19th.
>> Have a nice holiday and a good new year.
>> Best,
>> Felix

Received on Tuesday, 23 December 2008 14:08:21 UTC