Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotation WG teleconf - 2008-12-16

Dear all,
>> This is the agenda for the call in this week.
> My regrets for this call. I have a conflicting meeting at this time.
> Best regards.
I am sorry to say but I will also not make it to todays teleconf due to 
an unforeseen event.

Regarding my action item on the usefulness of the XMPMM:'history' 
property for our use cases. I have not yet finished but it seems to me 
that it would be good to have it. The final evaluation will be with you 
not later than Friday.



Dr. Frank Nack     
Human-Computer Studies Laboratory (HCS)
Institute for Informatics
University of Amsterdam 
Kruislaan 419
1098 VA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel:   +31 (0)20 525 6377
Fax:   +31 (0)20 525 6896
Mobil: +31 (0)6 1810 8902


Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2008 11:38:37 UTC