Re: URIs as value

Hi Raphael, all,

now the sorry is on my side, being on travel after the f2f meeting ...

Raphaël Troncy さんは書きました:
> Dear Felix,
> Sorry, I just bump into this thread (I still need to catch up with 
> many more emails). So for clarifying the issue: 
> I would also 
> advocate to use URIs as much as we can as values for properties (like 
> PA and Silvia said) and ...
>> Just a general comment / remark: I know it sounds boring, but ... I 
>> think we should focus on what is current, more or less widely 
>> deployed practice with existing formats. After all we are scheduled 
>> to provide interoperability between properties of these formats and 
>> not define new ones.
> ... exactly because we would like to be interoperable with existing 
> formats, I will remind that Dublin Core, in its January 2008 
> recommendation version, add the notion of domain and range for its 
> properties, So far, two 
> legacy specifications differ with regard to whether properties such as 
> dc:creator and dc:date have values that are non-literal resources 
> (e.g. a Person or a Date, seen as entities), or literals representing 
> the resources. The new RDF encoding specification supports both of 
> these constructs but bases the choice of one form over the other on 
> the range of a property. A property with a "literal" range will follow 
> the former pattern, while a property with a "non-literal" range will 
> follow the latter. A range of "Agent" has been given to 
> dcterms:creator and dcterms:contributor, where "Agent" is defined as 
> "A resource that acts or has the power to act".

What worries me here is what to decide about the API: if there is a 
method getCreator, what should it provide? The "before January 2008" 
value, e.g. a string value of dc:creator, or the the new version, that 
is URIs?

>>>> So I think both should be possible: string for simplicity, URI for
>>>> expressivity. May be both could be mixed, e.g. like in mail addresses:
>>>>  dc:creator "P-A. Champin <>" .
> Consequently:
> <> dc:creator <> 
> is perfectly valid and I would add should be supported.

It seems the only solution would be to say: getCreator can give you
<> dc:creator <> is 
perfectly valid and I would add should be supported.
<> dc:creator "me"
and the application has to figure out what to do with this. I had 
mentioned this problem before in this thread, but I'm not sure about a 
solution yet - and whether a solution is necessary to be provided by us.


Received on Saturday, 13 December 2008 11:18:55 UTC