Re: Minutes of the W3C Rights Automation Community Group 2020-09-16

Please find the minutes of today’s meeting at and pasted below. Please note that the scribing bot incorrectly recorded a Resolution which I’ve noted in the text below but which remains in the link above.

Summary of Action Items

ACTION: All (especially Laura, Trisha ...) to offer link to licenses for trial translation
ACTION: All to think about what events might be around Dec 2020 for presentation of the group's work
ACTION: Ben to arrange a sub-committee to discuss creation of poc
ACTION: Ben to bring forward actions from last meeting
ACTION: Jo to raise engagement challenges at a separate meeting
ACTION: Laura to create collection of (at least) 20 licenses for public accessible licenses
ACTION: MarkB to call breakout meeting on Creditor Debtor next week

Summary of Resolutions

  1.  Accept minutes of last meeting<>
  2.  keep Dec'20 for this deliverable timeline<>
  3.  mark: we are talking about 3 months<>
  4.  The group will extend its remit to include delivery of the collection of licenses<>

Many thanks

Rights Automation Community Group Teleconference
16 Sep 2020


jo, aaron, adamD, adamH, alexm_atiq, ben, caspar, fred, Ilya, josh, karishma, laura, markb, olga, paul, trisha, olufemi, Jeremy
Michelle, Stephen, Phil, Josh, Michael
jo, jcornejo

  *   Topics<>
     *   Admin<>
     *   Clarify Deliverables<>
     *   Meeting Cadence<>
     *   Report on FISD Exchange Forum<>
     *   AOB<>
  *   Summary of Action Items<>
  *   Summary of Resolutions<>


<jo_> scribe: jo


<jo_> minutes of last meeting:

<jcornejo> here

<jo_> scribe: jcornejo

jo: topics for discussion both in Webex and IRC, asking for objections for the last meeting minutes. 3 actions, Ben to talk to ODRL
... not scheduled to discuss all topics on the agenda

Ben: no we are not, but we can give a summary. Took to the ODRL community group, very happy not to take care of it, but to develop it as part of the standard ODRL profiles, hopefully we can rely on it and not develop it ourselves. Ilya/Ben haven't caught up

Ilya: Olga & I caught up, version to go into gitHub - chasing and will be up in the next couple of days

jo: take an action to bring outstanding actions forward

<jo_> ACTION: Ben to bring forward actions from last meeting

jo: are there any objections to the minutes from the last meeting
... hearing none, we will accept the minutes

RESOLUTION: Accept minutes of last meeting

jo: any other admin stuff?

Ben: don't think so

Clarify Deliverables

Ben: A good idea to run the meeting a little bit different, made quite a lot of progress
... standard on gitHub
... modelled the supply chain, core duties, scribing what a resource is

<jo_> Document so far:

Ben: those properties of resources that are relevant
... two significant areas left: describing the actions allowed over data (examples) and some constraints that came on our last conversation. I don't deny that coming with strong definitions of actions, but I've got a sense that we can be in a position to finish this by the end of the year.
... we can take a minute to clarify what are the objectives for the rest of the year
... and maybe make the group operate better. Mark, do you want to present the slide?

Mark: I've posted the link to the presentation. We find ourselves at a typical juncture, taking a moment to figure what are we trying to accomplish. And one is having specific time and the other a specific set of deliverables for that time.
... we have been thinking of Dec'20 as a target. Ben, are there any event specific?

<jo_> Mark's discussion document:

Ben: personally don't know, but maybe other people on the call do know

Mark: let's start there, if anybody knows an industry event we should be targeting?

RESOLUTION: keep Dec'20 for this deliverable timeline

<jo_> ACTION: All to think about what events might be around Dec 2020 for presentation of the group's work

<inserted> (following is not a resolution)

mark: we are talking about 3 months
... this is what we have done this year with this group. Listed in the slide are a general list of the deliverables.
... all good goals, but fairly general. How can we make them more specific? to give ourselves a more achievable deliverable for Dec'20

The first bullet, Ben you shared the specification

scribe: Ben as you think about this document, if you had to present it in Dec'20. Where does it need to go from here?
... what do you want to set as an achievable target?

Ben: I think we've talked about 20 or so translation of licences. We are running significantly behind, we have currently 4. We can get some additional resource. If anyone in the group wanted to help, fantastic.
... what I really need from the group is a set of example licences.
... if they could send that licence or a link.
... one test of completeness to the standard is if it is able to translate these licences.
... Laura, Trisha to have some examples

<jo_> ACTION: All (especially Laura, Trisha ...) to offer link to licenses for trial translation

Ilya: are you looking for publicly available licences?

Ben: yes, I want publicly available ones

Olufemi: I am very interested, whatever support the group needs we are really willing to participate.
... whatever it is, we can make that available.

Ben: if you can share that with us, we can make sure we can translate it.
... I believe that SIX will join us soon

Mark: is there a way we can get these licences and convert it into a deliverable? can we task a group with collecting 20 licences and putting them in a format ... I think the collection is in itself a deliverable

Ben: yes, we should ask someone from the group

Laura: I can do that

<jo_> ACTION: Laura to create collection of (at least) 20 licenses for public accessible licenses

Laura: yep I am

Mark: we are going to talk later on about a meeting in the off week to get into more detail. Laura if that helps, in the off week to take a small group in the off-week.

Laura: I will reach out to the team, thank you

Mark: Ben, you volunteered to take those and translate those. I think that is a separate deliverable. You take that as a goal. Is it a reasonable goal? Is it reasonable for Dec'20?

Ben: yes, I think so

<jo_> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The group will extend its remit to include delivery of the collection of licenses

RESOLUTION: The group will extend its remit to include delivery of the collection of licenses

Mark: will everybody agree that the 2 objectives are a specific for of our use cases and test cases.

Ben: I would say it is slightly different

Mark: what are the differences

Ben: to help drive the adoption, we need to specify the business use cases that this solution will satisfy. From compliance to on-board data faster. Write down 10 use cases we believe we are contributing.
... for people to understand the benefits and help the industry to adopt this standard.
... <repeats for Ilya>

Ilya: we can feed that, we've been doing some work, identifying specific licences or specific use cases those licences cover.

Ben: this is a 3rd scenario

Ilya: this are close to being one and the same, just assign both to myself and Michelle. Discuss what we have so far, and challenge the group.

Mark: we are putting together a nice set of achievable objectives. Do we wrap it up to speak about a PoC, I envision a session where we showcase these.

Adam: what does it look like for you guys?

Ben: what I would like to show by Dec'20 that I can manage a policy and perhaps that I can allow the users to see if they can satisfy the existing permissions
... or we need to go to the vendors

Adam: if we had a couple of customers, Fidelity and Refinitiv. 2 people that are doing market data on us. I could go and talk to the S.A. to see if we can get the data, but you guys will need to drive the build.

Ben: very interesting offer, we have a few customers on this call. Between us we can work on a PoC.

<jo__> rrsagent pointer

Ilya: what does a PoC

Ben: we need to show success

Ilya: we have some tools that can demonstrate the output of the licences.

Ben: lets take this conversation offline and lets see if we can put something together

Mark: we would like to be involved in the actual licence/generation of ODRL

<jo__> ACTION: Ben to arrange a sub-committee to discuss creation of poc

Mark: I want to skip down to the cadence section of the agenda. You've had an item of the things we still have to do.

Meeting Cadence

Ben: I think we have, time is short.

Mark: as the chair said, past discussions were getting increasingly technical. Not necessarily the best use of the entire group. Since we have a bi-weekly schedule, we can set a technical on the off-week.
... deal with debtor/creditor out in the largest group
... taking place next Wednesday.
... now that we have several work streams.
... having these objectives, probably people would like. to be in some streams
... when we are all together, how do we as a group synthesise how the parallel sessions are doing.

Adam: when we are discussing some of the solutions, the technical thread is where we would add more value. Supporting the technology and PoC.

Ben: this main meeting should focus on expressivity. Are capturing enough for compliance purposes.
... One of the ways is to look at translation of the licences, are we getting the answers about usage rights. And we focus on the expressivity challenges.

Atiq/Laura: is a good idea, makes sense to me

<jo__> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Current meeting cadence maintained for vocabulary discussions, off-week meetings for focus groups and technical implementations

Mark: if we want to achieve all these objectives by December, we will need multiple breakouts.

Ben: one hour in the off week

Mark: I will need different hours for different objectives.

Ilya: keep breakout sessions to 30 minutes, so people could attend both.

<jo__> ACTION: MarkB to call breakout meeting on Creditor Debtor next week

Report on FISD Exchange Forum

Ben: Atiq do you want to take this one? Briefly tell this group about the FISD meeting

Atiq: Ben, myself and Michael met with FISD yesterday, our goal was to talk about digital rights.
... Ben really kicked off around the key milestones around digital rights and ODRL
... asserted some of the key points, really versatile language.
... automating compliance and key efficiencies
... Mark came and gave a good speech
... I came from a consumer perspective
... How data is such a large commodity and everyone wants to do something with the data itself
... Ben, tell me if I'm wrong

Ben: Olufume from the Nigerian Stock Exchange
... initiative driven by the banks, demand driven
... great that SIX will be joining
... people sit on the sidelines


<jo__> ACTION: Jo to raise engagement challenges at a spearate meeting

Olufume: I think that listening to Ben and the others y'day, apart from staying on the sidelines. One thing that needs to be clear is the standardisation. It has to speak to what is meant to do.
... we want to make the business cleaner and faster
... needs to be clear from the offset
... from my own perspective I want to make clear

<jo__> Waters article:

<inserted> Jo thanks Josh for scribing, most grateful

<jo__> (meeting closed)

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Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2020 16:32:55 UTC