Re: minutes 18 Oct 2013

 Dear colleagues, 

  I have been knocked out by a strong cold and will miss today's call. 
  Please excuse the delay in providing my todos for same reason. Attached 
  you will find the latest version of the glossary, based on discussion 
  on 10th of October. Remaining issues I'd ask you to clarify:

  - Abstract Task: did we consider naming "Abstraction" ?

  - Cross-cutting:
    - the current reference seems invalid, Jean please correct
    - the definition (relation of context-of-use/target and model transformation) 
      is unclear to me: is CC a sort of filter, where the MBUI model layers are 
      transformed/filtered according to selected target ?

  - User: Target end user is not defined
    - should we provide a separate definition or link user item in context of use section?
    - same holds for other entries: AUI, CUI where respective AUI, CUI model is not defined (I suggest to not to do so)

  - Interaction modality: decide on definition (honestly, I am fine with current one)

      - Oviatt definition (the human computer interaction handbook): 

      Multimodal systems process two or more combined user input modes – 
      such as speech, pen, touch, gestures, gaze, …- in a coordinated 
      manner with multimedia system output

      - Bersen definition (multimodal usability book): 

      A modality is a way of representing information in some medium


      The type of communication channel used for interaction . 
      This might be, for example, visual, gestural or based on speech. 
      It also covers the way an idea is expressed or perceived, or the manner 
      in which an action is performed. This definition is based on unpublished work 
      of the Multimodal Interaction group.

  Further: there are synonyms of recommended synonyms used without being defined
    Concrete Interaction Unit (CIU)
    Synonyms: Concrete interactor ...   
  I think this is o.k., since the "recommended synonym" is the only entry providing 
  a meaningful definition. 
  Best regards 

On Friday, October 18, 2013 12:35 CEST, Dave Raggett <> wrote: 
> We had a very short call as there was only 3 of us present.
> I have updated the AUI with the schema that Davide provided. I need to 
> check the W3C policy with respect to namespaces, and will post a call 
> for comments on publishing the draft as a FPWD as soon as I have 
> resolved that question.
> Jaroslav will use email to try to deal with the outstanding questions on 
> the Glossary and drive this to closure.
> Are there any outstanding issues for the Introduction document?
> -- 
> Dave Raggett <>
Jaroslav Pullmann
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT
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Received on Friday, 25 October 2013 08:07:17 UTC