- From: Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 10:51:18 +0000
- To: "public-mbui@w3.org" <public-mbui@w3.org>
Sorry for being late with this email, I've been busy travelling and other work. The MBUI working group charter officially expires on 30 November, see: http://www.w3.org/2011/01/mbui-wg-charter The chartered scope was: Use cases and Requirements As needed to guide and justify the design decisions for the development of the specifications. Specification of meta-models for interchange of models between authoring tools for (context aware) user interfaces for web-based interactive application front ends This could take the form of UML diagrams and OWL ontologies, and cover the various levels of abstraction (e.g. as defined in the Cameleon reference framework, as well as that needed to support dynamic adaption to changes in the context). Specification of a markup language and API which realize the meta-models. This is expected to draw upon existing work such as (but ot restricted to) Concur Task Trees (CTT), Useware Markup Language (useML), UsiXML or UIML. Test assertions and Test suite for demonstrating interoperability This is needed to support progress along the W3C Recommendation Track, and in particular, to exit from the Candidate Recommendation phase. Model-based user interface design primer An explanation/guideline for how to apply the specifications to support the development of the associated use cases. Open Source Implementations Working Group members may wish to develop open source implementations of authoring tools to demonstrate the potential, and for use in developing and applying the test suite described above. We have successfully developed specifications for the abstract UI and task models, as well as an introduction and glossary. However, we haven't progressed very far along the standardization process, with our specifications still at the level of W3C Working Drafts. To become W3C Recommendations (W3C's name for its standards), we need to have several independent implementations for model-based user interface design tools and to demonstrate successful interchange of UI models between them, as well as support for all normative aspects of the specifications. The W3C Ubiquitous Application Design Community Group (UAD CG) has been set up to continue the discussion and to collect implementation and interoperability reports. http://www.w3.org/community/uad/ W3C Community Groups are open to all, and are free to join (no membership fees). The UAD CG is an opportunity to foster discussion between developers and researchers with a view to promoting the benefits of model-based UI design and soliciting real world developer feedback. This will stimulate new ideas for research, and provide a test of whether the meta-models developed in the MBUI WG are a good match to real-world developer needs. The UAD CG could choose to have regular teleconferences, or it could stick with email and the wiki, and arrange occasional meetings as appropriate, perhaps co-located with other events, such as conferences. We are looking for volunteers to chair the UAD CG as I personally will have very little time available, and hence am unable to continue as the UAD CG chair. Once, we have collected sufficient implementation feedback, we will then be in a position to re-charter the MBUI WG, however, W3C Management and the W3C Advisory Committee will be looking for stronger evidence of industry support before approving re-chartering. I am sure that there are lots of questions, and look forward to discussing this further. -- Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett
Received on Friday, 22 November 2013 10:51:49 UTC