R: IndieUI: Events 1.0

Interesting, we should provide some feedback as group.


Unfortunately, I cannot attend the tomorrow audioconference since I’m
travelling in Luxembourg







Da: Heiko Braun [mailto:hbraun@redhat.com] 
Inviato: mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013 14:43
A: <public-mbui@w3.org>
Oggetto: IndieUI: Events 1.0



IndieUI: Events 1.0 is an abstraction between physical, device-specific user
interaction events and inferred user intent such as scrolling or changing
values. This provides an intermediate layer between device- and
modality-specific user interaction events, and the basic user interface
functionality used by web applications. IndieUI: Events focuses on granular
user interface interactions such as scrolling the view, canceling an action,
changing the value of a user input widget, selecting a range, placing focus
on an object, etc. Implementing platforms will combine modality-specific
user input, user idiosyncratic heuristics to determine the specific
corresponding Indie UI event, and send that to the web application in
addition to the modality-specific input such as mouse or keyboard events,
should applications wish to process it.



Received on Thursday, 24 January 2013 01:24:07 UTC