Re: call for comments on publishing task models spec

Hi Jaroslav,

Thanks for the feedback, my comments are in line below.

On 18/07/12 00:19, Jaroslav Pullmann wrote:

> Regarding the "MBUI - Task Models" draft I'd suggest to introduce a 
> subsection header on operators (beneath section 3 Meta-Model) and to
> provide illustratory examples of the CTT notation for termporal
> operators (compare table 2. of [1])

I have added the subsection header and an introductory example. I leave
it to ISTI if they want to provide figures for each of the task
categories and types. I have also moved the cross language comparison of
support for operators to the end of the document, as it is background
rather than part of the normative definition of CTT.

Best regards,
Dave Raggett <>

Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 11:19:52 UTC