Deadline for submissions for MBUI F2F, and telecon slot poll

Gerrit and I are working on preparing the agenda for the upcoming
initial face to face meeting for the W3C Model-Based UI working group in
Kaiserslautern on 9-10 February 2012. The meeting page on the MBUI wiki
is at:,_KaisersLautern_2012

Don't forget to book you flights and make your hotel reservations.
Moritz Kümmerling is our local organizer and hopes to be able to support
remote participation, but we have no guarantees we can support that at
this time!

For what it's worth, I will be staying at the hotel Zollamt, mainly
because it is the nearest recommended hotel to the meeting site.

The success of the face to face will be critically dependent on us
getting submissions by the deadline of 3rd February 2012. This is to
give us all a chance to skim through them prior to the meeting. I have
set up a wiki page for submissions at:

Please send your submissions to me as the staff contact: Dave Raggett
<>, and I will upload them and link them from this page.
Accepted formats are HTML, PDF and plain text. So if you are starting
from Microsoft Word or PowerPoint *please* convert them beforehand to
PDF. You can also package multiple files as a zip archive.

Note that we expect to make heavy use of the wiki for working group
activities, and you are advised to apply for an account, from the main
MBUI WG wiki page at:

Let me know if you have any difficulties and I will do my best to assist

Gerrit and would like to ask for you help in deciding what would be the
least inconvenient timeslot for a weekly teleconference. The actual
decision will be made at the upcoming face to face meeting. We therefore
kindly ask for your assistance in filling out the following poll. Ignore
the dates, only the weekday and times are relevant. The times should be
in you local timezone, please make sure that the drop down select on the
right hand side is set appropriately for your location! As a check the
first slot for each day should be 10:00 GMT or 11:00 CET.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Friday, 13 January 2012 17:51:02 UTC