Assessment template links

Assessment template location suggestions in 2.4 Assessment Template:

   - include a link in the first sentence: Organizational ICT Accessibility
   Maturity is assessed using the W3C
   Maturity Model assessment template
   This follows the same pattern we're using with other body content links.
   - Add a link in bold weight above the editor's note (with a couple of
   <br> breaks so there's white space between the body content and the
   editor's note box)
      - The current published version says "Make a copy of the assessment
      template worksheet
      get started.
      - Suggest "Download the assessment template" because it's more
      accurate to what the action is–downloading the template. We
might consider
      adding what tool the template is in. Might not be necessary, but just a
      - Would visually look like this:
      *Download assessment template*

Do we need to include a resources section in the appendix for all of the
downloadable templates? Or is that too much redundancy?


Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2023 19:08:51 UTC