- From: Pedersen, John - Hoboken <jpederse@wiley.com>
- Date: Wed, 3 May 2017 15:16:25 +0000
- To: Jean Kaplansky <jeankap@earthlink.net>, public-mathonw. <public-mathonwebpages@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BLUPR02MB168405AA557571BD2ECC54DCC1160@BLUPR02MB1684.namprd02.prod.outlook.com>
Jean, My comment was actually about Jacaranda Wiley content (our only high-school-level content where the kind of two-dimensional layout that we were discussing might occur). But yes, MHE may have a lot more primary- and secondary-level content. Thanks. John. From: Jean Kaplansky [mailto:jeankap@earthlink.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 11:08 AM To: public-mathonw. Subject: Fwd: [math-on-web] CG meeting minutes, 2017/04/27 JeanKap Examples from Wiley books? Better to ask Tzviya than Jean. Jean, however, can take requests for MHE books. What are you guys looking for specifically? Thanks, Jean Jean Kaplansky Content Architect/Strategist | Technical Account Manager | UI/UX | Accessibility Analyst | XML, HTML, and CSS Developer | Instructional Designer +1.518.930.1068<tel:(518)%20930-1068> jeankap@earthlink.net<mailto:jeankap@earthlink.net> @jeankaplansky On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 9:13 AM, Peter Krautzberger <peter.krautzberger@mathjax.org<mailto:peter.krautzberger@mathjax.org>> wrote: Hi everyone, Below are the minutes from the CG meeting last week. Best, Peter. ## mathonweb CG, 2017/04/27 * Present: Peter, Dani, Volker, Charles, John, Sam, Neil Updates from the a11y TF * Daniel: back to math role * now feel it's useful, like img but not "... image" but (sometimes) "...(math)" * Volker: still concerned about "math" * not general enough for scientific content (e.g., chemistry) * e.g., "equation" * Daniel: agree need for more general * Peter: as per last discussion, roledescription seems destined for htat * but "...math" might be more vendor-specific, so we could approach them * Peter: do you feel ready to discuss with ARIA WG? * coordinate, ask them what we can provide them with, how we might help positively shape * Daniel: and simply get to know each other * ACTION Yes * intro: Sam Dooley * invovled in MML from earliest days * MathWG * Pearson, School Assessment * previously IBM, Netscape plugin techexplorer, turned into math equation editor, now JS, used in TestNav Testing platforms * about 30million ContentMathML for high stakes assessment, machine scored by automated scoring services * also free responses that are hand coded * recently extended for a11y (Nemeth input&output) * intro: Neil Soiffer * used to work on MathPlayer at Design Science * MathWG member * a11y for a long time * Peter: about role=math problems * TF had thought about this as first step for talking to ARIA * But now suggest to leave it since it can't be changed much * Daniel: in favor of role=math as a good role * and https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#aria-roledescription would help as well * Peter: planned reaching out to ARIA WG for joint call * a11y TF in a good place to start discussion * Daniel: explain what our problems are * e.g., advanced tools for navigating * Daniel: demo of WIRIS, http://www.wiris.net/demo/editor/tests/en/test.html * JAWS, NVDA, Narrator works; VoiceOver is a problem * uses live regions * preview of speech text in page (both live and complete string) * Volker: ChromeVox were you using the extension or ChromeVox.next? * Charles: are those regions assertive or polite? * => assertive * Daniel: if you test, keep in mind that the live region lives elsewhere change CG meetings to topic-oriented cycling (layout, accessibility, notation) * Peter: agenda item: reorganizing meetings * focused themes, cycle through topics we identified last year to bring back lurkers * Dani: makes prepping meetings easier, with * John: personal time-limitations would make single meeting easier * Volker: smaller meetings were more productive, focus might bring down number of participants * Neil: monday time is too hard for PST, focus is good * => agreed * Peter: topic for next meeting * layout, notations * Neil: how about human notation/layout that are not currently represented on the web * human notations for teaching procedural * Peter: great idea, never seen a survey of that * John: examples from Wiley books might be useful * Peter: ACTION ask Jean * Peter: related: latinreq, https://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-latinreq/#equations * Neil: would be interested in non-US examples * Peter: next meeting topic: layout? * => agreed
Received on Wednesday, 3 May 2017 15:17:05 UTC