[math-on-web] meeting minutes, 2017/03/02

Hi everyone,

Given CSUN and a couple of regrets, it was just Daniel and myself last
week, thus the minutes are rather short.

# math-on-web CG meeting 2017/03/02

* Peter: ACTIONs completed:
  * created page for a11y TF
    * also did more tests videos for deep labels
  * new TF meeting time doodle
* Dani: discussion about CSS properties we could raise with CSSWG
  * a) baseline alignment
  * b) surds and stretchy
* Peter: related: menclose as borders
  * gives surds as well
    * Dani: but then no fonts for styling
* Peter: sqrt is something worth discussing with an open mind (+ long term
  * But vertical align might be easier to start with
* Daniel: maybe a more general baseline for images
  * then align that baseline with the text baseline
* Peter: multiscripts might be another discussion point
  * [discussion]
* Peter: ACTION: announce a11y TF meeting time change

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2017 11:29:02 UTC