- From: Charles LaPierre <charlesl@benetech.org>
- Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2017 14:09:41 +0000
- To: Peter Krautzberger <peter.krautzberger@mathjax.org>
- CC: mathonwebCG <public-mathonwebpages@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <89BC00D2-8041-44A7-872F-884DB4265CF7@benetech.org>
Mark Hakkinen mhakkinen@ets.org<mailto:mhakkinen@ets.org> at ETS has done a lot with SSML and has also successfully made modifications to Alexa using SSML to pronounce some Finnish family names correctly. Thanks EOM Charles LaPierre Technical Lead, DIAGRAM and Born Accessible E-mail: charlesl@benetech.org<mailto:charlesl@benetech.org> Twitter: @CLaPierreA11Y Skype: charles_lapierre Phone: 650-600-3301 On Apr 3, 2017, at 2:51 AM, Peter Krautzberger <peter.krautzberger@mathjax.org<mailto:peter.krautzberger@mathjax.org>> wrote: Hi everyone, Below are the minutes from the last meeting. Best, Peter. # Math on web CG, 2017/03/30 * Present: Jean, Volker, Peter, John * regret: Charles, Daniel, Kevin, Moritz * Volker: could we have calendar invite? * Peter: wasn't sure that worked but Kevin proved me wrong * => ACTION Peter. * Peter: regrets for lack of minutes from previous meeting * only Daniel and me, chatted about layout and didn't take notes * nobody showed up so we lost track of taking minutes => should pick up on this in the next meeting * Peter: minutes for monday a11y tf meeting, I missed * ACTION Daniel promised to share his notes * Peter: finished previous action => posted https://www.peterkrautzberger.org/0192/ * current results, more work ongoing * will have to redo some of the recordings (even I can't remember what i did :-( ) * overall quite happy with the results so far * Volker: web speech API experiments * SSML doesn't seem supported in real life * Question: has anyone else experience with this? * Peter: do you have a sample that could be forked? * Volker: yes, will post. * Peter: in other news, the A11Y OM https://github.com/WICG/aom/ * what Houdini is for the paint ree, this is for the a11y tree * Volker: quick sample for dev tools ``` synth = speechSynthesis; ll = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('<SPEAK> x <PROSODY RATE="-5%"> equals </PROSODY> <BREAK TIME="200ms"/> start frac <PROSODY PITCH="+15%"> <PROSODY RATE="-5%"> minus </PROSODY> b <PROSODY RATE="-5%"> plus minus </PROSODY> Square root of <PROSODY RATE="+10%"> b </PROSODY> </PROSODY> <PROSODY RATE="+10%"> <PROSODY PITCH="+32.5%"> square </PROSODY> <PROSODY PITCH="+15%"> <BREAK TIME="300ms"/> </PROSODY> </PROSODY> <PROSODY PITCH="+15%"> <PROSODY RATE="+5%"> minus </PROSODY> <PROSODY RATE="+10%"> four a c </PROSODY> <BREAK TIME="400ms"/> </PROSODY> over <PROSODY PITCH="-15%"> two a </PROSODY> <BREAK TIME="400ms"/> end frac </SPEAK>'); ll.voice = synth.getVoices()[1]; synth.speak(ll); ``` * theoretically works, but no browser seems to accept prosody * the SSML worked on the IBM Watson demo, https://text-to-speech-demo.mybluemix.net/ * student project tried it with Alexa and that worked * unfortunately, this crashes browsers and even * working on a related demo using festival engine with sable markup * Peter: where's the speech api spec? * can't find group, just DVCS access to spec * [more discussion and hacking] * Jean: it's hard to find out implementation support * Peter: for Mac I found https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21952736/the-right-way-to-use-ssml-with-web-speech-api#comment46115096_21952736 * https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/SpeechSynthesisProgrammingGuide/FineTuning/FineTuning.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004365-CH5-SW3 * `synth = speechSynthesis; ll = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('the square root of [[pbas +4]] 2 [[char LTRL]]a[[char NORM]] to the [[pbas +4]] 14 [[char LTRL]]x[[char NORM]]'); ll.voice = synth.getVoices()[1]; synth.speak(ll);` * Jean: tried, seemed to have an effect. * ACTION: Volker to share a demo (for real this time ;-) )
Received on Monday, 3 April 2017 14:10:18 UTC