RE: [math-on-web] meeting minutes, 2017/03/30

Hi everybody,

Two weeks ago we had the a11y task force meeting but nobody wrote the
minutes. We were Charles Lapierre and myself.

I dare write what I remember from the conversation. At least my thouhts.

I was presenting the comparative of AT with regarding the role=math tag from

My surprise was that most AT behave quite alike. I also noted that the
role=math is necessary when you want that the AT reads the aria-label
instead of the text, which is always used if present. From this point of
view I’m not so sure that we should suggest any change of the behavior of
the role=math to the aria working group. We can have further discussions
for sure.

I also explained my concern about other kind of formulas like chemistry or
physics. In this case, role=math is somehow misleading since most AT also
says “math”.



*From:* Peter Krautzberger []
*Sent:* lunes, 3 de abril de 2017 11:51
*To:* mathonwebCG
*Subject:* [math-on-web] meeting minutes, 2017/03/30

Hi everyone,

Below are the minutes from the last meeting.



# Math on web CG, 2017/03/30

* Present: Jean, Volker, Peter, John
  * regret: Charles, Daniel, Kevin, Moritz

* Volker: could we have calendar invite?
  * Peter: wasn't sure that worked but Kevin proved me wrong

  * => ACTION Peter.
* Peter: regrets for lack of minutes from previous meeting
  * only Daniel and me, chatted about layout and didn't take notes
  * nobody showed up so we lost track of taking minutes => should pick up
on this in the next meeting
* Peter: minutes for monday a11y tf meeting, I missed
  * ACTION Daniel promised to share his notes
* Peter: finished previous action => posted
  * current results, more work ongoing
  * will have to redo some of the recordings (even I can't remember what i
did :-( )
  * overall quite happy with the results so far
* Volker: web speech API experiments
  * SSML doesn't seem supported in real life
  * Question: has anyone else experience with this?
  * Peter: do you have a sample that could be forked?
    * Volker: yes, will post.
* Peter: in other news, the A11Y OM
  * what Houdini is for the paint ree, this is for the a11y tree
* Volker: quick sample for dev tools
  synth = speechSynthesis; ll = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('<SPEAK> x
<PROSODY RATE="-5%"> equals </PROSODY> <BREAK TIME="200ms"/> start frac
RATE="-5%"> plus minus </PROSODY> Square root of <PROSODY RATE="+10%"> b
</PROSODY> </PROSODY> <PROSODY RATE="+10%"> <PROSODY PITCH="+32.5%"> square
<PROSODY RATE="+10%"> four a c </PROSODY> <BREAK TIME="400ms"/> </PROSODY>
over <PROSODY PITCH="-15%"> two a </PROSODY> <BREAK TIME="400ms"/> end frac
  ll.voice = synth.getVoices()[1];
   * theoretically works, but no browser seems to accept prosody
   * the SSML worked on the IBM Watson demo,
   * student project tried it with Alexa and that worked
   * unfortunately, this crashes browsers and even
   * working on a related demo using  festival engine with sable markup
   * Peter: where's the speech api spec?
     * can't find group, just DVCS access to spec
  * [more discussion and hacking]
  * Jean: it's hard to find out implementation support
  * Peter: for Mac I found
  * `synth = speechSynthesis; ll = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('the square
root of [[pbas +4]] 2 [[char LTRL]]a[[char NORM]] to the [[pbas +4]] 14
[[char LTRL]]x[[char NORM]]'); ll.voice = synth.getVoices()[1];
  * Jean: tried, seemed to have an effect.
  * ACTION: Volker to share a demo (for real this time ;-) )

Received on Monday, 10 April 2017 11:57:32 UTC