Reminder: MathML "Intention" Meeting on Thursday, 1 Oct

 Another month is behind us. We meet again on Thursday,1 Oct at 10am
Pacific, 1pm Eastern, 7pm Central European Time to continue to push forward
on what we are now calling author "intent".

1. Charter -- comments?

2. Intent values -- continue discussion with Deyan's google doc as a
   a) More discussion on the meaning/purpose of the various levels
   b) Amount of details: (still unresolved) "millimeter" vs "unit";
"hydrogen" vs "element", etc.

3. Continued discussion on "intent"
   a) continue discussion of David C's idea to deal with alignment
   b) continue discussion on n-ary operators, especially +/- and relational

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 19:47:56 UTC