- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 16:58:17 -0700
- To: public-mathml4@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkCkbNUwKwAy701Qc=wd8CRCwOS3jvJzz0iXGZ9wO-Ffgg@mail.gmail.com>
Thanks to Brian for helping with the minutes. The meeting was recorded: https://benetech.zoom.us/rec/share/BoKJT1IgTxEl4IREcSG4EwU7VWPTA2_5D8qYKHF5eZX610OZyNibKjMoBtEZGs-a.z_I0ZfPYHyxx5ofI Passcode: Oy+8?$mF (starts around 8min in) Attendees: Neil Soiffer Deyan Ginev Louis Maher Murray Sargent Bruce Miller Moritz Schubotz Sam Dooley Brian Kardell David Farmer Patrick Ion Regrets: David Carlise, Steve Noble Charter is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W-oYUbOMueaqb3KFSWkjWVBwR6AzSEBizHwQhvSwfDc/edit# Updates DG: I’ve finished the letter ‘C’ for level three naming. That’s ~250 names. BK: The TAG has a debate about semantics that is ongoing. There are discussions about semantics. <p> was introduced mainly for spacing reasons, but it is semantics. Accessibility is addressed in the AAM and that’s about semantics, HTML is not about semantics. BK: Cautionary tale: elements were added to HTML after years of debate and things were used more often things that weren’t intended. SD: So is the meaning of what something is what someone uses it for? NS: Things like <article> were introduced. Are those not used appropriately. BK: HTML5 tried to add <section> but it isn’t really used. It was supposed to replace <h1>, …. DG: Are you saying we should use “data-”? BK: I’m not suggesting anything. It took about 10 years to get <main> into HTML. Wasn’t worth the effort. BK: If it isn’t in the AAM, it isn’t useful. NS: AFAIK, AAM doesn’t exist as a rec. BK: It's definitely real, formal, exists- it's linked up… HTML's: https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aam-1.0/ SVGS: https://www.w3.org/TR/svg-aam-1.0/ and MathML's has begun, I believe it is not currently official yet but it is started in https://w3c.github.io/mathml-aam/ 1. Semantics names -- continue discussion a) Should the names brought over from Content MathML be changed to follow this naming convention? [I don't think this was resolved] DG: I would recommend we follow the general guidelines and have the short names (e.g., “lt”) as an alias. General agreement, modulo what “alias” means. b) More discussion on the meaning/purpose of the various levels NS: DG, can you summarize from last time? DG: The way I saw it was a robust agreement. It's about drawing a distinction between the levels and what we are investing time into as a group. Last week we kind of reached this ? about what symbols mean. The way I have been thinking about the levels which is not final, it's just my thoughts. The first level - level 1 is what you need. Level 3 is kind of a scratchpad. I have a lot of annotations that are nice for some purposes, but maybe not necessary. Level 2 is kind of the mechanism where things move from level 3, into a state before level 1. NS: Along these lines, I see a parallel to Feyman in the 60s. It got to be popularized and now it might be popular enough that it moves into L1 at some point. BK: I like this transition from level 3 to level 1. How do you imagine collecting the data to know whether it should move between levels? DG: I like the idea of growing the community to who can add to it, we just give access to level 2. Level 3 is wide open. BK: I think we need something like this, but I don’t know of examples. The closest thing is info gathering on usage. I don’t think it is a great way to collect info on math though. I think it would be good to formalize how you do the move. PI: I don’t necessarily agree. It isn’t Unicode or AFII. I think the people around MathML know a lot about what is trending and important. We need to get something going that is going to use these features. BK: In 30 years, HTML was able to standardize 130 elements. ARIA even less. Those are also "small things" NS: The core set of things are so common that people have special ways of notating them or speaking them. For example, fractions are spoken differently depending on the content three eighths or 3 over 8 or ... Those need to be given to AT so that AT knows it should employ the special rules based on content, or on the user. As you move away from those, things become more regular and don’t need specification of what to do, you just need to pass the info to AT and AT or search takes it verbatim and doesn’t need to interpret it to do something special, it can just speak it. “Plus” is another special case where search may want to do something special because addition is commutative. DG: That’s what I think is right, just standardize a few things and leave the rest open-ended. Level 3 is useful for many things. One of the big challenges with content mathml is that no one wants to write a content dictionary. BM: I think there is something that is not well understood about MathML as it currently exists… There is a set of names but csymbols are open-ended so people could add anything that want. But the problem is the OpenMath community had problems standardizing those symbols. There needs to be a community that deals with this list. All of the symbols should not be part of the standard, it should be open-ended. But we need to be cognizant of problems of the past. PI: This isn’t that different from Unicode where all the symbols needed to be defined. They came out of the TeX of the community but the names were not that useful. It wasn’t a big community activity, it was a smaller group. DG: That’s a good example. It is a fixed list that can be searched. As opposed to OpenMath where adding something is hard. BM: it would be best to focus on the essential terms. MS: For what it is worth, Unicode 9.0 has 3,310 glyphs that have the math property. NS: I just finished going through a bunch of them and it's not clear what many of them are used/useful for MS: I would be delighted to include things that enhance the understanding of this. NS: Pointers off to examples of use, uses, etc would be great. I think the process now is better, early on there were less requirements of these sorts. MS: Some of these were given to us by groups that have said "we have been using these hundreds of symbols for some time now" and there aren't good references to where or how. NS: Ok, let's talk about aliases… I personally want just one name to look up DG: lt is smaller than less than NS: I could easily imagine almost everything in core having between 3 and 10 aliases - is that actually beneficial? PI: Less than or equal is often used for normal subgroup DG: I see it as easily technically resolved, I think it is fine to have 1 for L0. For L3, it would be impossible to have just 1 name. BK: Maybe with math, it is less this way. There is a primary NS: It's more about identifying what it is and having some real list than a name… BM: To the extent we have only one term for every concept in level 0, then there is not any reason not to use the content MathML names. In level 2 and 3, there we want hyphenated names. DG: I think it is an optics problem, because it would be different from 2 and 3. BM: But level 0 is different. But I’m not advocating one way or the other. I’m just saying if it is small, I don’t see the need for consistency. NS: I think there is a potential optics problem the other way if it says we are replacing content MathML.
Received on Friday, 4 September 2020 00:22:51 UTC