Minutes: MathML Core meeting 23 Jan, 2020

MathML Core Meeting of Jan 20, 2020



   Fred Wang

   David Carisle

   Neil Soiffer

   Rob Buis

   Patrick Ion

   Murray Sargent



   Brian Kardell


The meeting was recorded:

MathML meeting in May

FW: Some ideas for meeting:



NS: conference good for spec work, actually implementing things

PI, NS: should mention this on appropriate mailing lists.(AP NS?)
Operator Dictionary (David & Neil)


   any updates on fixing up entries

   Make things more consistent and general review & fixup #87
   <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/87> #6
   <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/6> #151

   #161 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/161> #176

NS: last week week we discussed removing ‘accent’ from the Op Dict, making
it true for all operators. Needs spec change also.

NS: Is there consensus?

DC: I’m in favor of it.

FW: It’s a big change.

NS: I doubt anyone will notice it because they don’t use the operators as

MS: In Office, we have separate ‘accent’ and ‘over’ properties.

<a bit more discussion as to what the spec says>

Resolved: take accent out of dictionary and change spec to say it is

DC: one way to compress the dictionary is list all the characters. We could
invert the logic and take the inverse approach: list all the
classifications and then list all the characters in that classification.
E.g., list all the infix characters.

NS: it’s nice to have all the info in one place

DC: let’s park this idea for now.

maction/semantics and embellished op #182

FW: The basic idea is they only display one element. We already did this
space-like element -- for mrow, if all the children are space-like, then

FW: I want to do the same thing for embellished: switch to the same
definition for embellished operators

NS: Rob, you are probably most affected.

RB: I haven’t looked at it.

FW: I wrote the original code, so I know it will simplify things.

RB: Will this need fixing in Mozilla?

FW: Mozilla displays invalid markup if wrong number of children, so it
doesn’t really matter there.

NS: I’m ok with it -- simplification is always good.

RB: same  -- simplification is always good.

DC: I think it ok to go with the proposal. The goal of core is to make
things simpler.

Resolved: accepted.
Reset CSS rules on the math too (UA stylesheet): #34
<https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/34> #35
<https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/35> #36

FW: the basic idea is to put some default values on the UA stylesheet.
Google asked what would happen with overflow and scrollbars:


FW: Rob was going to add a “!” rule to the UA stylesheet to ignore them for
all but containers (e.g., mspace).

FW: I’m not sure it is a good idea for scripts.

NS: I can imagine someone wanting scrollbars for large scripts

FW: Google thinks it might be simpler in the end to support width/height.

RB: If you introduce w/h, then you end up with scrollbars.

FW: Rob maps w/h to CSS w/h. If someone specifies

FW: Currently the core spec says w/h are ignored, but the implementation
overrides the attributes.

RB: Need to add tests for this.

FW: also there is an issue if someone specifies h/d, then how does baseline
interact when someone specifies height in CSS. This tricky and not sure
what to do.

#35: reset dir to ltr on math element

FW: The MathML 3 spec set it to ltr on math, ignoring the environment.
Makes sense because many RTL languages do LTR math.

FW: CSS writing-mode also to get reset. Use case: mtext in MathML in
vertical paragraph. Should a user expect vertical text or horizontal text?
If we reset the writing mode, they would get horizontal text.

NS: let’s postpone a decision until next week when Brian will likely join

Received on Friday, 24 January 2020 00:27:35 UTC