- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 16:27:16 -0800
- To: public-mathml4@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkCzL2uKTv060veG29QEOe4eJ_hxYqpcsHLdWfr3h3bpYQ@mail.gmail.com>
MathML Core Meeting of Jan 20, 2020 Attendees: - Fred Wang - David Carisle - Neil Soiffer - Rob Buis - Patrick Ion - Murray Sargent Regrets: - Brian Kardell Agenda: https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/8#issuecomment-576076397 The meeting was recorded: https://benetech.zoom.us/rec/play/65R4d7j5_zI3H9PE4wSDBv8oW9S0ffmsh3cbr_NYyRmxB3NXNFGkZeATNOdguW6VwouSaj2-e_0x-a-I?continueMode=true MathML meeting in May FW: Some ideas for meeting: https://mathml.igalia.com/news/2020/01/20/mathml-conference/#new https://github.com/Igalia/webengineshackfest/wiki/MathML-Conference-2020 NS: conference good for spec work, actually implementing things PI, NS: should mention this on appropriate mailing lists.(AP NS?) Operator Dictionary (David & Neil) - any updates on fixing up entries - Make things more consistent and general review & fixup #87 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/87> #6 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/6> #151 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/151> - #161 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/161> #176 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/176> NS: last week week we discussed removing ‘accent’ from the Op Dict, making it true for all operators. Needs spec change also. NS: Is there consensus? DC: I’m in favor of it. FW: It’s a big change. NS: I doubt anyone will notice it because they don’t use the operators as accents. MS: In Office, we have separate ‘accent’ and ‘over’ properties. <a bit more discussion as to what the spec says> Resolved: take accent out of dictionary and change spec to say it is default=true DC: one way to compress the dictionary is list all the characters. We could invert the logic and take the inverse approach: list all the classifications and then list all the characters in that classification. E.g., list all the infix characters. NS: it’s nice to have all the info in one place DC: let’s park this idea for now. maction/semantics and embellished op #182 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/182> FW: The basic idea is they only display one element. We already did this space-like element -- for mrow, if all the children are space-like, then FW: I want to do the same thing for embellished: switch to the same definition for embellished operators NS: Rob, you are probably most affected. RB: I haven’t looked at it. FW: I wrote the original code, so I know it will simplify things. RB: Will this need fixing in Mozilla? FW: Mozilla displays invalid markup if wrong number of children, so it doesn’t really matter there. NS: I’m ok with it -- simplification is always good. RB: same -- simplification is always good. DC: I think it ok to go with the proposal. The goal of core is to make things simpler. Resolved: accepted. Reset CSS rules on the math too (UA stylesheet): #34 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/34> #35 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/35> #36 <https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/36> FW: the basic idea is to put some default values on the UA stylesheet. Google asked what would happen with overflow and scrollbars: https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/45#issuecomment-576126653 FW: Rob was going to add a “!” rule to the UA stylesheet to ignore them for all but containers (e.g., mspace). FW: I’m not sure it is a good idea for scripts. NS: I can imagine someone wanting scrollbars for large scripts FW: Google thinks it might be simpler in the end to support width/height. RB: If you introduce w/h, then you end up with scrollbars. FW: Rob maps w/h to CSS w/h. If someone specifies FW: Currently the core spec says w/h are ignored, but the implementation overrides the attributes. RB: Need to add tests for this. FW: also there is an issue if someone specifies h/d, then how does baseline interact when someone specifies height in CSS. This tricky and not sure what to do. #35: reset dir to ltr on math element FW: The MathML 3 spec set it to ltr on math, ignoring the environment. Makes sense because many RTL languages do LTR math. FW: CSS writing-mode also to get reset. Use case: mtext in MathML in vertical paragraph. Should a user expect vertical text or horizontal text? If we reset the writing mode, they would get horizontal text. NS: let’s postpone a decision until next week when Brian will likely join us.
Received on Friday, 24 January 2020 00:27:35 UTC