Re: Reminder: MathML core meeting Monday, 24 Feb


I would like to add a further issue, should fractions support 
width/height properties and/or scrollbars?

This is coming up in the review for the upstreaming of fractions:



On 2/22/20 12:03 AM, Neil Soiffer wrote:
> We have a meeting on Monday at the standard time: 11am Pacific, 2pm 
> Eastern, 8pm Central European Time.
> Brian and I looked through the issue list and came up with some that 
> maybe should be marked as resolved along with grouping some whose 
> resolution is likely similar/related. I hope that we can knock the 
> list down at this meeting, or at least identify who needs to do what 
> to resolve the issues. The agenda is at 
> If you get a chance to look at items on the agenda before the meeting, 
> please feel free to comment on them in the linked issue.
> Zoom connection info is in the mail archives at: 
> <>

Received on Monday, 24 February 2020 17:04:58 UTC