TAG review of MathML-Core

As part of the process, we will need to send a request for a W3C TAG review
of MathML-Core very soon.  Fred, Rob and I put together a draft of this
that you can see at

It would be great if people could look, comment about edits you think
should happen, and say whether you'd like to be listed as a primary contact
or @ mention replies (you can also just watch it once it posts).  We've
kept it currently to just the people involved in the initial writing.

We'd like to get this filed ASAP because we need to try to get on the
agenda for December's F2F meeting and that will be pretty hard if we don't
file it soon.  Do we think this is a thing we can resolve async? Should we
set up a special 1-off meeting?  Or do we wait until next week?


Brian Kardell :: @briankardell :: bkardell.com

Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2019 13:50:34 UTC