- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2019 09:41:41 -0700
- To: public-mathml4@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkD7gANB13NLK-zAbT03maJhnJUGmqBE7KWhbZCJdoc_BA@mail.gmail.com>
The recording can be found at: https://benetech.zoom.us/recording/share/ZwmQw7bHajvQS4qPJDkvk-g3aHL1hAnKPxrUOc1a7NWwIumekTziMw Here's the summary: *Discussion began with handling of invalid elements (wrong number of children):* https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/15 General proposal is to convert any error to an mrow and issue a message on the console. Google likes this as it shows all content and is easy to implement. The disadvantage is that (e.g., mfrac) would no longer look like a fraction and the error message is hidden to most users (who never look at the console). Neil: what does SVG do since that has parallel handling to MathML. Fred: SVG says rendering stops, message to console. Fred: -- math is closer to text, so should behave more like HTML and just use mrow. Eg., invalid mfrac would be an mrow. Neil -- could we use merror instead? Fred -- merror is treated as mrow at layout level, so no merror layout code. David -- mtable is an HTML example with structure Fred -- mtable adds anonymous children Fred & Rob: experiment more to see if CSS can deal with error handling Bruce -- maybe errors should happen at HTML5 parser level David -- wouldn't work since DOM directly created by MathJax and others Rob -- group should say what we want to achieve and then see how hard it is to implement *Action Item*: Fred discuss with Google with feedback: it would be really helpful to indicate error to the user (console is for developers), but simplicity counts *Related item is empty elements that have children* Proposal was to not render children, but that contradicts google's rec to "render everything" Neil: we should be consistent (except where I don't like it ;-) *Action Item*: Fred to discuss with google *New CSS properties* https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/31 displaystyle -- not much said, moved quickly to scriptlevel -- affects mulitplier and minsize Neil: getting rid of minsize has accessibility considerations for low vision Someone: TeX approach is allowing only two levels of decrease Fred: Mozilla doesn't like minsize because it is technical dept David: could use CSS to limit sizes *Action Item*: Fred investigate CSS; Neil investigate what accessibility groups low vision mathvariant -- Fred: some software generates mathvariant in mstyle: <mstyle mathvariant="..."> <mi>F</mi> </mstyle> Fred: also TeX allows the font change to be around more than a char David: modern Unicode-based TeXs don't allow that Murray: it doesn't really make sense as there is (for example) no Fraktur chars for digits. Scribe: Not sure if we resolved removing it from mstyle Fred, David: let's push for it being part of CSS's text-transform. The CSS group seems to like that and it makes the implementation easy *Action Item*: Fred to add that to CSS-drafts issue. *Remove from core* General agreement that all named lengths and unitless precents (#24, #4, #7), should be removed from the core. Probably stay in full, but to be discussed in general group. *Weekly meetings* Neil: There is a lot of activity around core, which is great. But that means we need to meet more often to resolve issue. We'll move to having *weekly meetings* for the next few months until we work through the backlog.
Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 16:42:17 UTC