Re: meeting minutes from 28/5/19

On 29/05/2019 08:16, Neil Soiffer wrote:
> Once again, thanks to David Carlisle for taking notes during the
> meeting. Also thanks to the several members of the chemistry group
> that joined the call and gave us great input. The meeting was
> /not/ recorded, so this is the only record. Apologies.
> /
> /
> /Brief/ status report on core working group's progress
> Neil: MathML Core is moving forward. Lots of issues have been
> identified (see github
> <>).  Mostly removing
> items that are "difficult" for browser implementers from core, keeping
> in main spec. Aligning mathml attribute syntax with css where possible
> (in full). There will be polyfills mapping from full spec to core.
> Positive feedback from chrome developers so hopeful that it will be
> picked up by Chrome, although no promises yet. The new Edge will be
> based on Chomium, so good chance it will go in there. Also, Frederick
> did the Firefox implementation, so changes likely will go in there.
> What happens with safari/webkit is unknown.
Some quick factual corrections:

- My name is Frédéric.

- Roger B. Sidje was the main developer during 1999-2007 and the one who
did the initial implementation. I only contributed to the Mozilla
project after 2007. A lot of other people have worked on Gecko's MathML
implementation (cf the commit history of the project).

- As indicated on the MathML in Chromium website, we want to submit
patches to WebKit and Gecko but right now this task is of lower priority
compared to the Chromium / spec / testing work. People willing to
support that effort are invited to contact Igalia.

> Most issues marked with needing more tests and/or spec changes.
> Daniel: what is planning for merging implementation to main branch of
> chromium.
> Neil: I believe it is planned to be nearer the end of implementation
> (Fred or Rob would need to provide more detailed answer)
I believe this has been explained several times but basically Igalia
will follow the standard approach to get new features in Chromium +
there is an agreement with Google / the W3C TAG regarding how to
proceed. Igalia and NISO also agreed on a roadmap, published on the
MathML in Chromium website. However, the big prerequisite is to have
testing & standard in good shape before submitting any proposal and
starting to merge the code. In particular this work has to be done
inside the MathML refresh group first, so I don't think Igalia can speak
for the group regarding when this will be achieved.


Frédéric Wang

Received on Monday, 3 June 2019 13:53:22 UTC