Notes from MathML Core meeting @ Mon Apr 1, 2019 11am - 12pm (PDT) (

Sorry for late response, and slightly incoherent notes. Note Charles has 
already posted the full audio recording and transcript.


* assign tasks

Fred: people attend meetings but not otherwise take part.
Fred: MathML Core/WPT tests: Igalia
Change to Core spec (DavidC: volunteers to edit)
Davidc: web-xslt polyfils will move to mathml-refresh
Fred: mfenced core not using shadow do etc
Brian:  more "dom rewriters not polyfills"

Fred: one use to use node.js to convert before publishing also real
polyfills to be inserted inline.

Brian: we should discuss specification of polyfills, eg use dom.js or node.

Daniel: do we need to write passing WPT or can we also submit tests that 

Fred: they can fail so long as they match the mathml core spec.

Brian: If there is not already interop we would expect some browsers
to fail some tests.

Fred: Blog post showing start of Igalia mathml implementation in
Chromium branch.

Fred: At igalia we plan to add tests at same time as writing the

David: We could have a local git under math-refresh where people could
post possible tests for review by the group before submitting to WBT.

Brian: support this idea

link to existing test (passes in firefox)

Rob: we can send an email intro to WBT and people can ask more on mail

Rob: already a body of work for webkit, which could be converted to
WBT tests which someone could do. in webkit (and also firefox)

Brian: volunteer (with Fred/Rob) to produce a walkthrough of how to
convert a webkit to test to WPT.

Rob: we will give a presentation at BlinkOn, making slides/demos.
Rob: error reporting:

Daniel: Wiris will provide more statistics
Fred: firefox may be able to provide stats on ff users


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Received on Sunday, 7 April 2019 15:00:13 UTC