Re: EBNF was Re: [markdown-testsuite] Add End Of Line (EOL) definition/tests. (#1)

* Karl Dubost <> [2012-11-28 21:32 -0500]:
> Le 29 nov. 2012 à 01:28, Dave Pawson a écrit :
> > So who is going to have a go at a para in EBNF?
> What do we solve by having EBNF?
> * for (human) authors
> * for parsers
> * for converters
> Not clear to me.

For me the goal of having EBNF is being able to clearly and
unambiguously define what is often confusing in prose.  With EBNF you
get a compactly formatted authoritative description of the language.

For parsers, if I understand correctly, it would be possible to have an
automated program which would use the EBNF grammar and be able to tell
you whether things were "Markdown" or "not", and which rules were
triggered.  That's a long term goal, but having that would be useful.

However, my big thing is the clarity from having a formal grammar
describing a Markdown document.

dave [ please don't CC me ]

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2012 02:48:07 UTC