Validator for MapML documents service


I've put up an experimental MapML validation service here: (in a frame) or here: (without a frame, but you can use a validated document URL which is convenient for sharing).

Please use (but don't abuse!) this service freely.  It is an experiment and it will hopefully provide a way for you to get your software running serving "valid" MapML that can be used by client software (which, as for HTML, is the point).  It is very definitely a work in progress, and I would appreciate your feedback about any weirdness on this list or in an issue  At this point in time, signalled errors in your documents may just as easily be omissions or bugs in my schemas.  Also, if a document validates one day but gives errors the next day, it may be because I fixed a bug and your document may actually need attention.  Don't get mad, please ask!

Note that the XML parser doesn't work for MapML documents submitted to the service, even if they're well-formed (and potentially valid), but that doesn't mean they won't validate, it's just that the XML parser path doesn't support MapML (which is "MicroXML") at this point in time (you need to use the HTML parser, which is generally selected automatically).  I will hopefully fix that so that you may use the XML parser if you choose to, but I wouldn't recommend it anyway, as some HTML errors are picked up by the HTML parser, which I also forked for this work.

The MapML validator is my fork of the Real Validator For HTML, which is brought to you by the authors and maintainers of HTML itself, with special thanks to Michael[tm] Smith for his advice and help.

While my fork does validate HTML as well, it will not be as up to date as the Real Validator, as I have not yet started pulling in upstream changes.  One day when it's a bit hardened I will start pulling in upstream changes to HTML and associated vocabularies again.  A further goal will be to validate "MapML-in-HTML", such as within the presumed <layer> element.  That does not work yet.


Peter Rushforth

Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada

Conseiller technique
Centre canadien de cartographie et d'observation de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2019 17:30:07 UTC