RE: Promotion slot in the Closing Plenary of the OGC Members' meeting

Hi Gobe,

Thank you very much for the offer to present the workshop sponsorship opportunities to the TC.

I did give a presentation about the Maps for HTML work to the TC plenary in early March, and while I’m happy to do that again, the TC in June is a bit later than ideal for attracting presentations on the one hand (the call for presentations/positions closes June 30th), and another presentation by myself may not serve the goal of attracting workshop sponsors on the other (maybe people will tune out a bit if I’m up there again).

Perhaps if the presentation did not originate strictly from me / NRCan, it would get more attention.  If that’s of interest, I would be definitely willing to collaborate / co-produce or contribute to such a presentation.

I also have a notion to pass the sponsorship file on to W3C business development, to see if Karen may be able to obtain better results in getting wider attention onto the initiative, and not just from OGC membership.  I’ll send her my contact list under separate cover.


Peter Rushforth

Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada<> / Tel: 613-759-7915

Conseiller technique
Centre canadien de cartographie et d’observation de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada<> / Tél: 613-759-7915

From: Gobe Hobona <>
Sent: May 14, 2020 3:40 PM
To: Rushforth, Peter (NRCan/RNCan) <>
Cc: public-maps-workshop-pc <>
Subject: Promotion slot in the Closing Plenary of the OGC Members' meeting


Scott and I agreed that the Technical Committee (which includes all members, including the Strategic ones) would be the most appropriate forum to promote the Maps for the Web Workshop and opportunities for sponsorship.

The Technical Committee will meet as part of the OGC Members’ meeting in June.

I have confirmation that you will have 10 to 15 minutes to promote the Maps for the Web Workshop during the Closing Plenary of the virtual OGC Members' meeting on June 22nd, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT.



Gobe Hobona, PhD MRICS
Director of Product Management, Standards
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
OGC: Making location count.

Tel: +44 744 409 6781

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Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2020 20:31:35 UTC