Re: W3C maps URI

OK, I've found a (hacky but functional) solution to the relative URL issue!!

The only thing that irreparably broke was the 404 page, which I've replaced
with plain HTML and a hard-coded link back to the home page. More details
in the commit message
if you're curious.

*But there's a second issue:* only the index page is getting proxied, no
matter what URL you use.
E.g., just fetches the
Overview page HTML.
And that means that the CSS still isn't working, because the stylesheet URL
also just fetches the home page HTML!

Hopefully that's a simple fix on your end, Ted. Once you've get the proxy
fully working, I'd appreciate if you run the whole thing through the W3C
link checker, just to be sure I haven't missed any mangled URLs.


On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 at 12:20, Amelia Bellamy-Royds <> wrote:

> Thanks, yes, the issue right now is that the “relative links” being
> generated by Jekyll are all starting href="/Maps4HTML-Workshop-2020/…" (so,
> they are domain-relative but path-absolute).  We need to figure out a way
> to make them properly relative to the current URL.
> I'll dig around the Jekyll docs to see if I can find a solution.
> ~Amelia
> On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 at 12:14, Ted Guild <> wrote:
>> Hi Amelia,
>> I set it up the proxy but all the css, images and other links need to
>> be updated to be relevant.
>>* proxies to corresponding
>> --
>> Ted Guild <>
>> W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Thursday, 16 April 2020 20:34:13 UTC