[LWS] Topic for WG meeting of 24-02-2025: Potential overlap between Solid CG work Items and LWS WG charter deliverables

Dear members of the LWS WG,

At the end of our meeting on Monday, the topic of a potential overlap between work items of the Solid CG and charter deliverables of the LWS WG was briefly discussed.

In order to have a more in-depth discussion on the matter, I have put this on the agenda for our meeting next week, February 24th, 2025. I think it is important we consider the impact of this overlap, and come to a resolution such that both the CG and WG can be productive with respect to their scope of work.

For context, this issue was raised in the Solid CG mailing list as well:

Kind regards,

Laurens Debackere (he/him)<https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/personeel/diversiteit-en-gelijke-kansen/voornaamwoorden-in-je-e-mailhandtekening>

ICT Solution Architect | Technology Expert Solid

DIGITAAL VLAANDEREN | athumi, The Flemish Data Utility Company

Flemish Government

@ Laurens.Debackere@Vlaanderen.be<mailto:Laurens.Debackere@Vlaanderen.be>

WebID thundr.be/profile/laurens.ttl#me<https://www.thundr.be/profile/laurens.ttl>

Havenlaan 88, 1000 Brussel | Koningin Maria Hendrikaplein 70, 9000 Gent


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Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2025 08:15:04 UTC