Missing resources section in Non-text Contrast understanding doc & missing Non-text Contrast user need in requirements doc

Hi Alastair, Jim, and all,

I noticed that the standard "Resources" section is missing from the
Non-text Contrast Understanding document [1].

So I started looking around for links that could be added to populate
that section. We may want to list the email  from:

* Smith Kettlewell Eye Research Institute -  "If the text is better
understood with the graphics , they should be equally visible as the
text." [2]
*  Gordon Legge - "Contrast requirements for form controls should be
equivalent to contrast requirements for text" [3]

In addition, it seems that all of our other understanding docs list
our "Accessibility Requirements for People with Low Vision" [4] as the
first link in the "Resources" section. However, it appears that our
requirements doc [4] doesn't have a specific user need for non-text
contrast. Should we consider adding it?


Kindest Regards,

[1] https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/non-text-contrast/understanding/21/non-text-contrast.html
[2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-low-vision-a11y-tf/2017May/0007.html
[3] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-low-vision-a11y-tf/2017Jun/0054.html
[4] https://www.w3.org/TR/low-vision-needs/

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Thursday, 22 February 2018 15:47:06 UTC