Re: [w3c/wcag21] Popup Interference (#75)

Hi Jim, Laura, 

Looking at the wiki version, the last two bullets (other method & not important) seem to clash, logically. 

If there is another method, does it matter whether there is important info in the pop-over or not? 
If it is not important, does it matter there is another method? 

I’d either drop one of them, or make it an “or”, e.g:
“hover and/or focus are not the only means of accessing the informational content _or_ it does not include information necessary to _understand_ the page”

Also, does ‘content’ include navigation? If so I’d consider navigation important content, which makes all drop-down menus fail. Perhaps not, that might be too pernickety.  



Received on Friday, 7 July 2017 13:14:09 UTC