Minutes: Low Vision Task Force 26 Jan 2017

source: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/26-lvtf-minutes.html

Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 26 Jan 2017

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2017/01/26-lvtf-irc>
PresentAlastairC, ErichM, Glenda, JohnRochford, Laura, ScottM, Shawn,
Wayne, allanjRegretsChairJimScribeJohnRochford

   - Topics <https://www.w3.org/2017/01/26-lvtf-minutes.html#agenda>
      1. FPWD of WCAG 2.1 coming up.
      2. Reports from SC Managers
      3. Printing <https://www.w3.org/2017/01/26-lvtf-minutes.html#item03>
      4. combination of Font, Color, Spacing
      5. interactive contrast elements
      6. Informational Graphic Issue 9
   - Summary of Action Items
   - Summary of Resolutions




<allanj> s/Sean, use

<ScottM> My link worked but I had to type in meeting numbers and stuff
FPWD of WCAG 2.1 coming up.

<allanj> scribe: JohnRochford

Jim: The first public working draft is coming up.

Laura: I think it's the end of February.
Reports from SC Managers Printing

Ah, thanks.

Erich: Chatter on SC font family and SC text color are being merged with SC
... I have been trying to facilitate discussion as SC manager.

<Glenda> SC Manager Role:

Laura: SC font and SC text color are so similar, they should be merged.

Jim and Alastairdiscussing print features of Safari.

Shawn: presented use case for discussion

Thanks, Laura.

<shawn> Use Case - e.g., user changes line-height & font with UserCSS, then
wants to print it. (Think this works on most/all browsers, but not on some
other technology user agents -- so authors need to provide format that does

Wayne: Printing from PDFs is really a problem.

Shawn: That's what this is trying to address.
combination of Font, Color, Spacing

<laura> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/SC_Text_to_Combine_79,_78,_74

Laura: Latest issue is 19, ability to override.
... Metrics are needed for each one.

Alastair: Just because the user can modify does not mean the web site will
work afterward.

<allanj> to be testable, had to have some metrics. color = black/white then
99% of all other color combinations should work

Laura: Proposal 17 has all of Alastair's metrics in it, including using
Comic Sans

<allanj> perhaps use verdana (wide font)

Wayne, Alastair, Laura agree Verdana issimilar to Comic Sans

<Glenda> From the ACAA “Characters displayed on the screen must be in a
sans serif font. Characters must be 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) high minimum based
on the uppercase letter I.”

<shawn> +1 for Verdana

<allanj> need to just use a "web safe font"

<allanj> +1 for verdana

Glenda: Talking about a requirement of the Air Carriers' Act.

<Glenda> ACAA = Air Carrier Access Act

Glenda: Actually required holding a ruler to the screen.

<alastairc> https://alastairc.ac/2013/02/how-to-hold-your-ipad/

<allanj> definition of a pixel:

Jim: Next - Laura's comment on line height.

<allanj> line-height of all text to 1.36, letter-spacing to 0.03em, and
word-spacing to 0.07em?

Glenda: Do we need to add a line after 1.36?

<allanj> line height is a unit less measurement

Glenda: It could be easily misinterpreted.

<allanj> shawn: line-height 1.5

Jim: Word spacing seems really small to me.

Wayne: This seems more like a technique than a SC.

Alastair: Agrees with Wayne.

Wayne: This could be applied at the element level.

<alastairc> My process email:

Jim: Agrees with Wayne.
... We have some issues with this SC wording, but it will morph some more.

Laura: Change the line height to 1.5?

+1 to 1.5

<allanj> Alastair: the SC is not restrictive. its just a base line to begin
testing to see what breaks

<alastairc> suggest 1.5 / 0.05 (letter) / 0.1 (word)

Wayne: Will investigate line height and get back to Laura.

<shawn> [ Shawn is looking at data on leading. Some say up to 2.0. Shawn
will put info on wiki page for folks to point to.]

<allanj> +1 to leaving letter and word spacing as is

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/References#Leading

<alastairc> 1+

<allanj> if we apply max values for spacing will break things. perhaps
choose a moderate level

Alastair: 2.0 would break most web sites - we should push for a moderate

<Glenda> +1 to setting a moderate baseline (that makes a difference)

<laura> Proposal 20:

interactive contrast elements

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/9

Glenda: Investigating/comparing 4.5 to 1 and 3 to 1


Glenda: We should defer overlap with COGA to next stage


<Glenda> Take a screenshot and blow it up until you can see the pixels, and
count. You do have to know whether your screen is high-DPI though.

<Glenda> For example, my MacBook is a 'retina' one, so when I take a
screenshot it is double the resolution. I.e. my browser reports 1280px
wide, but a screenshot of that comes out at 2560!

<Glenda> I also have a standard-res monitor I plug into as a second screen
at work, so screenshots on that are 'normal' sized...

<Glenda> I would use the browser to add a 3px border around the image, and
see if it is the same or bigger. I would then screenshot it and expand the
image if I'm not sure. (See the attached, the outer red line is from the

<ScottM> should we use points instead?

Glenda: On Web Developer on Chrome, under Misc, is a ruler

<Glenda> There is a Display Ruler under Web Developer look under
Miscellaneous (in Chrome)

<Glenda> http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2010/04/a_pixel_is_not.html

<alastairc> Or video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wscVOXjIzQ

Scott: Points are related to a physical size.

Glenda: Points are not consistent across resolutions and screen sizes.

<alastairc> See

Alastair: CSS pixel is the most reliable measurement across resolutions and
screen sizes.

Wayne: An absolute point does not exist any more on the web.
Informational Graphic Issue 9

<alastairc> Content can be resized to 400% without loss of content,
functionality or requiring two-dimensional scrolling, except for parts of
the content where fixed spatial layout is essential to use or meaning.

Alastair: Resize text is now shorter than it was.
... We are down to one exception because we dropped mobile.

Jim: Do we have a manager for metadata on hover?

Wayne: I will take it.

<allanj> *ACTION:* Wayne to manage metadata [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-94 - Manage metadata [on Wayne Dick - due

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/75

Wayne: What's the status of the discussion on linearize?

Alastair: I don't think it's moved on.

<erich> got pulled to urgent matter, won't be able to rejoin FYI

<allanj> trackbot, end meeting
Summary of Action Items *[NEW]* *ACTION:* Wayne to manage metadata
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/26-lvtf-minutes.html#action01]

Summary of Resolutions [End of minutes]

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264  http://www.tsbvi.edu/
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Thursday, 26 January 2017 17:37:07 UTC