Draft Examples of Sufficient Color Contrast for Interactive Images

Oh Dearest Darlingest LVTF,

I've been drafting examples of sufficient color contrast for interactive
images (back on our wiki).  I'm using this as a "work area"...so I can try
out my ideas...and then vet them with y'all...before I suggest that they
are ready to go up on github.

So...for your viewing pleasure...please find examples for:

   1. Two interactive icons (with no text)
   2. Visual Focus Indicators
   3. Text Input with Borders
   4. Submit Button with Borders


I still have lots to do on this proposed SC...so for now, probably best to
focus your review on these examples.  Do note that mediawiki won't let me
code styled links or input fields the way I need to for these examples...so
the real code examples are out on my personal site...for the moment.  After
these are reviewed (and we all think they are ready for github) I'll work
with Jim to figure out how to do this all up on github.

Yes...yes...I still need to code some selection indicator examples...all in
good time...all in good time.


P.S.  Pardon any slop in the code examples.  I'm one very weary witch.  I
did code inline styles on purpose...because I thought that was pragmatic at
this stage.  Yes...yes...it made my cringe too.

glenda sims    |   team a11y lead   |    deque.com    |    512.963.3773

*web for everyone. web on everything.* -  w3 goals

Received on Friday, 20 January 2017 00:57:39 UTC