Re: Compromise on popup trigger visibility

Hi Jim,

Worth noting there’s been a lot of activity on github, the latest version is:

I think that meets your goals:

1. hover or focus on the trigger causes the popup

2. popup overlaps but does not obscure trigger (to aid mouse movement to popup)
Yes, with the reasonable constraint of ‘essential content’ within the trigger.

3. popup persists until hover is off popup

4. popup persists until focus is off trigger
Yes, with the additional “unless the user dismisses the additional content.”

5. ESC can end popup at anytime regardless of hover/focus status
Yes, although it’s a general can “dismiss”, it doesn’t specify the method.

6. if popup contains actionable items (links, controls, etc.), these items are in the focus order immediately following the trigger only when popup is present.
No, although I think you could catch that with the current 2.4.3 Focus Order.

7. if popup triggers on focus/hover and ESC is hit, focus/hover returns to the trigger, but does not cause the popup. (refocus or rehover is necessary to have the popup reappear.
No, but again I think that is a more general issue than this SC.



Received on Thursday, 10 August 2017 08:23:48 UTC