Latest Reflow

Hi All,
I have studied flex and grid styles, communicated with CSS WG, and
read SC 1.3.2 and its techniques carefully. I have concluded that SC
1.3.2 is sufficient for ensuring a correct reading order. Failure F1
documentation should be updated mention flex and grid styles
explicitly in the write up.  These are important changes in CSS that
will make conformance difficult.  There may be new methods for
declaring reading order that are programmatic.  So this requires
watching. Maybe a Note.

On to reflow to single column. Do we need this stated explicitly.
Something like.

SC (Reflow to Single Column) Content can be arranged programmatically
into a single column with all text in a correct reading sequence.
Lines of text should never be truncated by the viewport in this
arrangement. Tables are an exception. Data Tables may use
multi-columns, but the lines of text in any table cell should never be
truncated by the viewport.

If we think we need this please let me know and I'll write up all the
other stuff. I have many tests.


Received on Monday, 31 October 2016 20:49:50 UTC