Re: Metadata On Hover SC Text

Hi Alastair,

Ah. Another approach.  We'll get there yet one way or another :-)

Kindest Regards,

On 11/18/16, Alastair Campbell <> wrote:
> Jonathan wrote:
>> I'd imagine people would ask about fly out menus, modal dialogs, roll
>> overs, etc
> and
>> I'm concerned about the text "does not obscure other content" because any
>> hamburger menu or dialog will obscure other content.
> That’s why it had “informational content”, to distinguish from functional /
> navigational items.
> It also included “only appears on-hover”, so anything that can be focused
> with the keyboard is not covered, but it would be good to incorporate your
> improvement to “onhover”.
> Katie wrote:
>> Well I *think* SC have to be phrased to define success. So even though
>> that language might cover the issue, I do not we should phrase it that
>> way.
> That sounds familiar, but what about this current one?  1.4.1 “Color is not
> used as the only visual means of conveying information…”
> Tweaking it a bit:
> “Informational content that is only shown by hovering your mouse over an
> element is not used as the only means of conveying information and does not
> obscure other content.”
> I’m tweaking this version because I’m struggling to see how we define “fully
> visible” in the other version. Also, unless we add that it must also work
> with an increased cursor size any current tooltip would pass.
> The other version also doesn’t cover the obscuring other information
> aspect.
> Kind regards,
> -Alastair

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Friday, 18 November 2016 15:21:24 UTC