Re: Graphics contrast

Hi Alastair,
Some low-vision feedback on each Pass/Fail example:

1. Agree with FAIL, insufficient contrast as a user - I can perceive the
envelope signifying mail, but concerned there is some symbol in the lower
right corner of envelope and I have no idea what that is or what it's for
2. Agree with PASS, as I can perceive the clock face. However, if the
circle of gray background has meaning of significance, it is harder to
3. Agree with FAIL. That's a telephone? I'll take your word for it. :)
4. Agree with PASS - icons appear highly visible
5. Agree with PASS (though with AT altered colors, blue vs. pink bars not
6. Would say FAIL - I would need the mouse-over aspects to supplement
perception, if we're ignoring mouse-over, color distinctions are difficult
7. Agree with FAIL - due to using color alone. Contrast is actually good
8. Agree with FAIL - bottom half of chart has distinguishable slices, but
top half is difficult to distinguish slices
9. Agree with FAIL - for reasons of Contrast noted, plus colors used for
Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest appear too similar, hard to
10. Agree with PASS (contrast) FAIL (color) and your assessment
11. Agree with PASS (contrast) FAIL (color) and your assessment
12. Agree with FAIL due to contrast
13. Would say FAIL - unable to locate the labels A, B and C (are they in
the graphic itself?)

Also, did we do away with using the COGA definition of "Important
Information", or modified?

Lastly, I can go ahead and remove "7. EM Proposed Description" now from the
SC, if no objections.
                    Erich Manser                                                       
                    IBM Research                                                       
                    MA / tel:                                                          
                    Search for                                                         

You don't need eyesight to have vision.

From:	Alastair Campbell <>
To:	LVTF - low-vision-a11y <>
Date:	11/05/2016 07:52 PM
Subject:	Re: Graphics contrast

Hi everyone,

I've taken some of Laura's examples, and some of the ones discussed in the
call and put them in a test page with whether I think they would pass/fail
the new SC and my reasoning:

I'd appreciate feedback on that from two points of view:
- From people with low vision, are the ones that pass usable? If not, what
is it about those particular examples that is difficult?
- From people who would test with the SC, do you agree with my

The trickiest one was the state map, which hinges on whether you think the
labels for the states are enough for the understanding of the information.

There are 7 so far, and I'm very happy to add other examples so long as
they are different in some relevant way, please send them my way.

Kind regards,


Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2016 11:27:56 UTC