Re: Terminology Question

Hi Wayne and all,

On 11/1/16, Wayne Dick <> wrote:
> Scrolling is an action taken to bring parts of a document that are not
> on the viewport into view.

Thank you for bringing this up.

Would a person ever want to move parts of a document out of the view
port?  If so how about something like:

Scrolling is an action taken to move parts of a document in or out of
the viewport.

Kindest Regards,

On 11/1/16, Wayne Dick <> wrote:
> May I change terminology.
> Scrolling
> Scrolling is an action taken to bring parts of a document that are not
> on the viewport into view.
> Scrolling may be one dimensional (1D) meaning you scroll up and down
> or left and right but not both.
> Two Dimensional (2D) scrolling (2D) means you scroll up, down, left
> and right, and even diagonally..
> Originally I introduced the term bi-directional for 2D scrolling. This
> was an unfortunate conflict with the bi-drirectional algorithm. May I
> change bi-directional with 2D (two dimensional) throughout.
> Wayne

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2016 15:14:35 UTC