Adjacent color

Hi Jim and all,

>From last week's meeting:
"<allanj> @@ jim track down the adjacent color in charts diagrams"

I'm not sure where it is in GitHub, but the November 20, 2015
Accessibility Requirements for Low Vision Users Editor's Draft
included "2.1.3 Contrast Adjacent". I've attached to this email the
copy that I had downloaded to a local machine.

Sometimes adjacent colors need to be distinguished, for example,
colors next to each other in a pie chart. Such colors should have
sufficient contrast and be distinguishable by people who are color
blind and have reduced contrast sensitivity.

User Requirement:

Users can distinguish between adjacent colors when needed for meaning.

We may want to consider bringing this back into our current
Requirements doc as a User Need.

Kindest Regards,
Laura L. Carlson

Received on Monday, 30 May 2016 14:40:44 UTC