Minutes: Low Vision Task Force Telecon 28 Oct 2015

source: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-lvtf-minutes.html

- DRAFT - Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 28 Oct 2015

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-lvtf-irc>
PresentAlan, Andrew, Bruce, Bruce_Bailey, Jim, Jon, Laura, Shawn, Chuck,
Wayne, ErichRegretsChairJim and AndrewScribechuckop

   - Topics <http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-lvtf-minutes.html#agenda>
   - Summary of Action Items


<trackbot> Date: 28 October 2015

<allanj> "User Stories" morphed into succinct "User issues"/"User
experience problems"

<shawn> trackbot, start meeting

<trackbot> Meeting: Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

<trackbot> Date: 28 October 2015

<allanj> "User Stories" morphed into succinct "User issues"/"User
experience problems"

scrib: chuckop

<scribe> scribe: chuckop

<allanj> close item 1


take up next item

<AWK> Discussing this page:

Jim did clean up on the user stories use cases page

Jim encourages others to clean up, add to, and generally improve the use

Allan also did some additions

Bruce notes that the use cases are looking better

<Zakim> Bruce_Bailey, you wanted to ask about UC cites

take up next item

<Wayne> wayne+

<allanj> close item 2

<allanj> ontology

Wayne: Created ontology/dictionary page located at
... symptoms fall into two categories
... our use cases will turn into our lists (of requirements? of tasks?)

John: preference is not to focus not on medical model of low vision, but
rather on the functional barriers.
... the problem isn't the condition, but that the content isn't adaptable

<shawn> + 1 to content & tools is the problem, not the user

Wayne: general agreement

Jon: Preference to ensure our wiki and notes reflect the functional barriers

<allanj> +1 user is not the problem

<shawn> +1 to medical model OK in wiki for data analysis but not in final

<jon_avila> great

Andrew: Our intent is to have an appendix that references medical
terminology to help with mapping
... Not to focus on the medical diagnoses

<jon_avila> thanks

<jon_avila> Yes, the info is very good.

Laura: the appendix and mapping can be very useful

jim: thanks wayne for his work and encourages others to contribute to it.

close item 3

Shawn: Thinks ChuckOp is best scribe evah!

Jim: Shawn did amazing work on Low Vision requirements and would like to
discuss that now

take up item 5


Shawn: What if we started presenting actual user requirements? Went through
use cases and started translating them into requirements with categories,
with handles and notes.
... First pass, not polished, use as a starting point

Jim: Was reading the requirements, calls it an amazing amount of work.
... We can edit and add to the requirements since it is in a wiki

Shawn: Notes difficulty of editing and using wiki markup

<jon_avila> Yes, great stuff!

<laura> Excellent work, Shawn.

<jon_avila> I wonder if it would help to mark some of these as scoped to
authored content or user agent

Jim: Shawn, how did you come up with categories?

<allanj> Shawn's TAdER work - http://www.tader.info/index.html

<allanj> (Text Adaptability is Essential for Reading)

Shawn: I added some categories based on information in the use cases and
user stories. Wondered about organizing according to the high level
overview, might need sub-categories.
... Categories are a bucketing system, Handle is a one-word (ideally) title.

<allanj> I prefer table

Shawn: What's better; tables or paragraphs?

Jim: I like the table

Discussion between Jim and Shawn regarding wording of "user can..."

<allanj> looking at "Related information is in close proximity. " or "user
can choose to have related information in close proximity to viewport"

<allanj> content developer vs browser developer

Wayne: We have reps from WAI UA and GL groups. We need to separate

Jon: Some of these can be both. Content zooming for example.

Shawn: Good point

Thanks Allan

<allanj> shawn: Say what users need...then say what content folks can do,
and what browser folks can do

<allanj> what the content authors or browsers do are solutions to user needs

<allanj> + 1 Focus: User needs!!

Shawn: Eventually we need to do the breakout that Jim references, but not
to do it too early. Focus on getting the first draft out first (of user
... The work that everyone did (Jim, et al) on use cases really helped in
drafting requirements.

<allanj> it takes a working group...

<Bruce_Bailey> Shawn asking about " Icon fonts that when combined with
custom fonts are browser/AT combinations like ZoomText and Firefox change
to squares and are unrecognizable."

<Bruce_Bailey> Bruce asked about "WingDings" but Andrew says situation can
be more complex than that.

Jon: discussion of symbol fonts and availability of fonts when working with
low vision tools

<AWK> Of interest for icon fonts:

Jon: ARIA labels can be used to provide textual context to symbols

?: Not easily accessible to keyboard users

<Bruce_Bailey> Bruce thanks Andrew for the example. Here is one that might
be related: https://css-tricks.com/examples/IconFont/

Jim: How would names/description be made available for symbol-based

Andrew: Other user groups can benefit from icon-based fonts

<allanj> wayne: high contrast icon font available?

Shawn: One of the issues: if we mess up and overlap editing can be

Jim: Should we do editing over the mailing list and send issues to Shawn
for editing?

Shawn: Is okay with being the primary editor for the time being.

Jim: Send issues and discussion to the mailing list, and Shawn will
incorporate into the user requirements page
... Really excited and thanks Shawn

<laura> Thanks everyone.

<shawn> good team work, folks!
Summary of Action Items [End of minutes]

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264  http://www.tsbvi.edu/
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Wednesday, 28 October 2015 15:34:34 UTC