for discussion -- Re: Agenda: Low Vision Task Force Telecon 2 Dec 2015

On 12/1/2015 3:28 PM, Jim Allan wrote:
> Please join the call before 10:30. We will start at 10:30
> Agenda+ scribe
> Agenda+ Framework for requirements document
>     Current Requirements document has 7 sections. Overview document has 4 categories. Need to merge the two documents.  Modify the Requirements to have 4 categories, or change the Overview to have 7, or find some happy medium.

To help the discussion, a rough draft idea of how the sections in Requirements TOC map to Overview sections is at:


> Agenda+ Laura's sectional summaries
> Agenda+ gather example images or online simulators for requirements as necessary.
> Agenda+ Review questions posed in Yellow Notes sections. They need to be addressed.
> Agenda+ Ontology update (wayne)
> ----
> Teleconference Day and Time:
> Wednesdays at 10:30AM, Eastern US time (GMT -4 14:30).
> IRC channel: <>  #lvtf
> Attendance Survey:
> WebEx call you Meeting Link:
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> Requirements document -
> Requirements (editable) -
> ------
> 1. Overview needs work. There is a rough version in the Wiki -
>   - point to ontology (wayne)
> 2, Merge the requirements into the framework in the Overview
> 3. Sectional overviews (7 of them) - need 1-2 sentences for each section. The sectional overviews may be combined in larger overveiw later (or not), but it is important to capture terse statements for each section.
> 4. Review questions posed in Yellow Notes sections. They need to be addressed. Propose answers to the list for discussion.
> 5. Critical review of requirements. Have we covered all aspects of a requirement. For example, 'luminance overall' description talks about brightness being too high. For some, brightness can be too low. This needs to be mentioned either in the requirement or the description above it.
> 6. Need a mapping of requirements to visual conditions and the reverse. Could also modify the column 'Educational Considerations' to be 'Web considerations' or 'Accessibility Consideration' or something and focus only on web/'electronic information' related accessibility considerations
> 7. link or cross reference requirements to Mobile & Cognitive taskforce docs
>   Mobile -
>   Cognitive - (there may be a better document, I couldn't find it)
> 8. link requirements to WCAG
> 9. Some requirements would benefit from image ( such as the ones in 2.3.3) or some simulator to illustrate the point. Please gather them and send to list.
> --
> Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
> Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> 1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
> voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264
> "We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 15:18:26 UTC