Announcing dataset "CORD-19 Named Entities KG": an RDF dataset of named entities identified in the CORD-19 corpus

Dear colleagues,

In order to foster innovative work based on the cross-linking of 
COVID-19 literature with the Data Web, we (Wimmics team, Inria 
<>) are in the process of generating an 
RDF dataset describing the named entities identified in the research 
papers of the CORD-19 
<> corpus.

To identify and disambiguate the named entities, we are using NCBO 
BioPortal annotator <>, 
Entity-fishing <> (links to 
Wikidata) and DBpedia Spotlight <> 
(links to DBpedia). We are also taking care of linking to other related 
works such as CORD-19-on-FHIR 
<> and COVID-19 Literature KG 

We shall release this dataset soon, as n RDF dump as well as through a 
dedicated SPARQL endpoint. Stay tuned!


 Franck MICHEL - CNRS research engineer
Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria
I3S laboratory (UMR 7271) <> - +33 (0)4 8915 4277  

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2020 10:18:50 UTC