Data-centric, cross-specification semantic primer?


after working on a presentation introducing semantic technologies I got
this idea. Every main spec (RDF, OWL, SPARQL) has its own primer/overview,
usually with small data examples:
* Bob, Alice and Mona Lisa in RDF 1.1 Primer
* man, woman, Bill and Mary in OWL 2 Primer
* Alice, Bob, Charlie in SPARQL 1.1 Overview

I think it would be good for W3C to have, especially for beginners, a
primer that uses the same data sample, and then goes through the
technologies and explains, with growing complexity, what each of them can
do for the data (infer, query etc.) and how they complement each other.

So instead of specifications as these vertical isolated pillars, have a
document that is focused on data instead and cuts accross the
specifications "horizontally".

What do you think?


Received on Thursday, 12 October 2017 11:51:55 UTC