Re: Loupe - a tool for inspecting and exploring datasets

Hi Nandana,

very nice, indeed. Are you planning to make it available as Open Source? 
Thus one could install it locally for private datasets.

+1 for using ElasticSearch and Docker

However, what is your experience with using ElasticSearch for indexing a 
large number of triples? Why did you not use a triple store?

Best Regards,

Am 08.10.2015 um 18:09 schrieb Nandana Mihindukulasooriya:
> Hi all,
> We are developing a tool called Loupe [ ] for
> inspecting and exploring datasets to understand which vocabularies
> (classes, and properties) are used in a dataset and which are common
> triple patterns. Loupe has some similarities to LODStat, Aether,
> ProLOD++, etc. but it provides the ability to dig into more details. It
> also connects the information provided directly to data so that so that
> one can see the triples that correspond to those numbers.  At the
> moment, it indexes 2+ billion triples from datasets including DBpedia
> (17 languages), wikidata, Linked Brainz, Bio models, etc.
> It's easier to describe what information Loupe provides using an
> example. If we take the DBpedia dataset, first it provides a summary
> with the number of triples, distinct subjects, objects, their
> composition (IRIs, blank nodes, literals), etc. and summary of the other
> information that we will present below.
> The class explorer provides the list of 941 classes used, number of
> instances per each class, number classes in each namespace etc. It also
> allows you to search for classes.
> If we select a concrete class such as dbo:Person, it shows the 13,128
> distinct properties associated with instances of dbo:Person and the
> probability that a given property is found in an instance. It also
> provides a list 438 other types that are declared in dbo:Person
> instances which can be equivalents classes, superclasses, subclasses,
> etc.
> The property explorer provides a list of 60347 properties with the
> number of triples, number properties in each namespace etc. It also
> allows searching.
> Again, if we select a concrete property such as dbprop:name, it looks at
> all the triples that contain the given property and analyze the subjects
> and objects of those triples. For subjects, it looks at IRI / blank node
> counts and also the their types. For objects, it does the same but
> additionally analyzes literals for numeric, integers, averages, min,
> max, etc.
> The triple pattern explorer allows you to search the 3,807,196 abstract
> triple patterns.
> Or you can select a pattern you are interested, for instance what are
> the properties that connect dbo:Politician to dbo:Criminal
> In all these cases, the numbers are directly linked to the corresponding
> triples.
> That's a glimpse of Loupe.  We would like to know whether it useful to
> your use cases so that we can keep improving it. It's still in its early
> stages so any feedback on improvements are more than welcome. If are
> interested, we will we doing a demo [1] at ISWC 2015.
> Best Regards,
> Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
> María Poveda Villalón
> Raúl García Castro
> Asunción Gómez Pérez
> [1] Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, María Poveda Villalón, Raúl García
> Castro, and Asunción Gómez Pérez. "Loupe - An Online Tool for Inspecting
> Datasets in the Linked Data Cloud", Demo at The 14th International
> Semantic Web Conference, Bethlehem, USA, 2015.

Received on Friday, 9 October 2015 20:05:50 UTC