- From: Neubert, Joachim <J.Neubert@zbw.eu>
- Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 12:24:43 +0000
- To: 'Sebastian Hellmann' <hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>, 'Kay Müller' <kay.mueller@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>, 'public-lod' <public-lod@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <4E3518D35BC4E14B802A8CAE0E8819CF4F71A9E4@lhun.zbw-nett.zbw-kiel.de>
Hi Sebastian, Kay, If you are interested in historical company data, perhaps have a look at the company section of the 20th Century Press Archives (http://zbw.eu/beta/p20/company). It contains basic metadata about the companies with links to scanned versions of annual reports and press articles about these companies. Currently, ca 1400 companies are covered, mostly from Germany, the Netherlands, Czech, Austria and Poland, with material dating mostly from the first half of the 20th century. The dataset is available as XHTML/RDFa. It is currently not explicitly licensed, but I think that the metadata (other than the scanned images, where intellectual property is dispersed) could be openly licensed and published with links to the according GND/VIAF URIs - if there is express interest to use it in a setting as you describe it. Cheers, Joachim More info: http://challenge.semanticweb.org/submissions/swc2010_submission_6.pdf Von: Sebastian Hellmann [mailto:hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de] Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. November 2015 16:17 An: public-lod Betreff: Are there any datasets about companies? ( DBpedia Open Data Initiative) [Apologies for cross-posting] Dear all, this message is part announcement of an open data initiative and part call for feedback and support. We are considering to work on creating a free, open and interoperable dataset on companies and organisations, which we are planing to integrate into DBpedia+ and offer as dump download. As we are in a very early phase of the endeavour, we would like to know whether there is existing work in this area. We are looking for any available datasets which have information about companies and other organizations in any language and any country. Ideally, the datasets are: 1. downloadable as dump 2. openly licensed , e.g. CC-BY following the http://opendefinition.org/ 3. in an easily parseable format, e.g. RDF or CSV and not PDF But hey! Send around anything you know, and we will look at it and see whether we can make use of it. You can reach us either by replying to this email or send feedback directly to me and Kay Müller <kay.mueller@informatik.uni-leipzig.de><mailto:kay.mueller@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>. If you have any private/closed data, please contact us as well. We might make use of it to cross-reference and validate public/open data with it. Or just learn from it to build a good scheme. We started a link collection here (and attached the current status at the end of this email) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaWSSt4_SZVhypvB1QzBlCtBuMQHv-q5Ti0n8xoZFIQ/edit Also we started to collect potential identifiers for linking here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EMqemA1BlqvyOXGLzYbvY0IcBCAhaRd5XgYLMWIxGsA/edit#gid=0 Regards and thank you for any support on this, Sebastian and Kay ############################## https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaWSSt4_SZVhypvB1QzBlCtBuMQHv-q5Ti0n8xoZFIQ/edit Open Company Data Open Company Data<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaWSSt4_SZVhypvB1QzBlCtBuMQHv-q5Ti0n8xoZFIQ/edit#heading=h.buuo7dypfd9a> Identifiers for companies/organisation<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaWSSt4_SZVhypvB1QzBlCtBuMQHv-q5Ti0n8xoZFIQ/edit#heading=h.qs150ivpio94> URIs (Linked Data/Semantic Web)<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaWSSt4_SZVhypvB1QzBlCtBuMQHv-q5Ti0n8xoZFIQ/edit#heading=h.b9yeovqjeglz> Downloadable Datasets with Company info (confirmed)<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaWSSt4_SZVhypvB1QzBlCtBuMQHv-q5Ti0n8xoZFIQ/edit#heading=h.7ihxrlrypp14> Portals with no bulk downloads<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaWSSt4_SZVhypvB1QzBlCtBuMQHv-q5Ti0n8xoZFIQ/edit#heading=h.a95o85lqil72> Portals, we will still need to investigate<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IaWSSt4_SZVhypvB1QzBlCtBuMQHv-q5Ti0n8xoZFIQ/edit#heading=h.p50bjh96q3ok> Identifiers for companies/organisation Table with identifiers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EMqemA1BlqvyOXGLzYbvY0IcBCAhaRd5XgYLMWIxGsA/edit#gid=0 URIs (Linked Data/Semantic Web) · DBpedia/Wikipedia/Wikidata URIs - http://dbpedia.org · LinkedGeoData - http://linkedgeodata.org/ Downloadable Datasets with Company info (confirmed) · VIAF - http://viaf.org/viaf/data/ · DBpedia - http://downloads.dbpedia.org/current/core/ · Wikidata - http://downloads.dbpedia.org/current/ext/wikidata/ · LinkedGeoData - http://downloads.linkedgeodata.org/releases/ · Company Data Index: http://index.okfn.org/dataset/companies/ o e.g. UK company data: http://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/en_output.html Portals with no bulk downloads · https://opencorporates.com/ · http://registries.opencorporates.com/ Portals, we will still need to investigate · https://www.wlw.de/ · https://www.crunchbase.com · http://data.crunchbase.com/v3/page/crunchbase-open-data-map-odm · http://www.industrystock.de · http://www.ebr.org/ · https://simfin.com/data/browse/companies · http://c-lei.org/ · http://data.imf.org/ · http://worldbank.270a.info/.html · http://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ · http://www.europages.com/ · http://www.sec.gov/data · http://faculty.philau.edu/russowl/industry.html · USA: http://www.corporationwiki.com/ · India: http://www.companywiki.in/ · Handelsregister: www.Handelsregister.de<http://www.Handelsregister.de> · Creditreform: http://www.creditsafetrial.com/de/?country=DE · Bürgel: https://www.buergel.de/en · Factiva: https://global.factiva.com/factivalogin/login.asp?productname=global * Interesting Links: · German http://get.torial.com/blog/2014/02/die-besten-quellen-fuer-wirtschaftsjournalisten-teil-1/ · http://get.torial.com/blog/2014/02/die-besten-quellen-fuer-wirtschaftsjournalisten-teil-2/ -- Sebastian Hellmann AKSW/KILT research group Insitute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) at Leipzig University DBpedia Association Events: * Nov 20th, 2015 Extended Deadline for Quality Management of Semantic Web Assets (Data, Services and Systems)<http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-quality-management-semantic-web-assets-data-services-and-systems> Venha para a Alemanha como PhD: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/csf Projects: http://dbpedia.org, http://nlp2rdf.org, http://linguistics.okfn.org, https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt<http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt> Homepage: http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann Research Group: http://aksw.org Thesis: http://tinyurl.com/sh-thesis-summary http://tinyurl.com/sh-thesis
Received on Friday, 13 November 2015 12:25:12 UTC