[ANN] beta release of 'Linked Data Reactor' for component-based LD application development

Dear all,
we are happy to announce the beta release of our LD-R (Linked Data Reactor)
framework for developing component-based Linked Data applications:


The LD-R framework combines several state-of-the-art Web technologies to
realize the vision of Linked Data components.
LD-R is centered around Facebook's ReactJS and Flux architecture for
developing Web components with single directional data flow.
LD-R offers the first Isomorphic Semantic Web application (i.e. using the
same code for both client and server side) by dehydrating/rehydrating
states between the client and server.

The main features of LD-R are:
- User Interface as first class citizen.
- Isomorphic SW application development
- Reuse of current Web components within SW apps.
- Sharing components and configs rather than application code.
- Separation of concerns.
- Flexible theming for SW apps.

This is the beta release of LD-R and we are working on enhancing the
framework. Therefore, your feedback is more than welcome.

For more information, please check the documentation on http://ld-r.org or
refer to the Github repository at http://github.com/ali1k/ld-r

Ali Khalili
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) research group
The Network Institute
Computer Science Department
VU University Amsterdam

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2015 13:08:15 UTC