Re: [Ann] WebVOWL 0.3 - Visualize your ontology on the web

Hi John,

On 09.01.2015 11:59, John Walker wrote:
> I see under Selection Details that there is a count of instances when 
> a class is selected.
> Is there any option to show other otherwise enumerate the instances of 
> a class?
> Maybe showing the instances in the graph might clutter things up 
> (could add a filter for this), but simply adding a list of links under 
> Selection Details would be a good start.

Good point. It is already on our list of issues and also defined in the 
VOWL 2 spec:
We will not go for the VOWL 1 representation in WebVOWL for several 
reasons, but use the recommended implementation in the sidebar (as you 
also proposed). We may, however, not list all individuals but only a 
subset (if there are many), as VOWL focuses on the TBox and as VOWL-JSON 
files could become quite large if we would include all individuals. We 
may use separate JSON files for TBox and ABox in some future version of 
WebVOWL, but this requires some major structural changes.

> This would be useful if the ontology contains, for example, code lists.

Do you have a good example for such an ontology? Or for any other 
ontology that contains many individuals?


Dr. Steffen Lohmann . Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS)
University of Stuttgart . Universitaetstrasse 38 . D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 685-88438 .

Received on Friday, 9 January 2015 12:16:32 UTC