Re: "Microsoft Access" for RDF?

Hi Paul,

maybe I'm wrong, but I think what you are generally looking for (in the 
Semantic Web world) is the things that are going on at RDF Shapes group 
[1], or (but I guess you are aware of them)? What they can't do (yet; 
afaik) is the "family instance loop check", or?

On 2/18/2015 11:59 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
> For small projects you don't need access controls,  provenance and that
> kind of thing,  but if you were trying to run something like Freebase
> and Wikidata where you know what the algebra is the obvious thing to do
> is use RDF* and SPARQL*.

No, why? - Wikidata's data model goes beyond RDF (triple based 
statements) for good reason. I'm always wondering why the heck we "true" 
Semantic Web developer still insist so hard on our beloved RDF (which 
all its drawbacks). Look forward. Think property graph and graph 
databases in general ;)
You can also combine both perfectly, see, e.g., this graph data model 
[3] - RDF compatible, but able to store qualified attributes (e.g. order 
or provenance) at statement basis (without reification et. al).
Re. editing of graph information, you may have a look at OrientDB's 
graph editor [4], which offers neat editing options direct in the graph 




Received on Thursday, 19 February 2015 18:41:15 UTC