On 2014-10-01 13:36, Mauro Dragoni wrote:
> Papers should not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length and must be
> formatted according to the guidelines for LNCS authors. Papers must be
> submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format.
As I understand it, there is a disconnect between the submission format
and what ESWC wishes to achieve or encourage [1].
Can someone please elaborate on how forcing researchers to use PDF to
share their publicly funded knowledge instead of SW/LD technologies and
tools better fulfills [1], or perhaps even contributes towards the
Semantic Web "vision"?
I would like to better discover and use SW research knowledge. ESWC
encouraging and promoting PDF for knowledge sharing sets an unnecessary
limit on discovery and use.
Will you consider encouraging the use of Semantic Web / Linked Data
technologies for Extended "Semantic Web" Conference paper submissions?
[1] http://2015.eswc-conferences.org/about-eswc2015