Vocabulary for encoding licensing/qualifications


I'm having trouble finding an existing vocabulary for abstract
certifications of (people, organizations).  I can find vocabs for
cryptographic certificates, and some for academic degrees, but I'm
looking to be able to represent things like business licenses and/or
trade certifications (or even say a driver's license or fishing

This is more or less the kind of thing what I want to encode:

<c> a li:Certification;
    li:jurisdiction <j>;
    li:qualification <q>;
    li:issuer <i>;
    li:subject <s>;
    li:proof <p> ;
    dct:identifier "ABC12345";
    dct:valid <v> .

<j> a geo:SpatialThing . # (e.g.), the jurisdiction, either physical or virtual
<q> a skos:Concept .    # whatever it is being licensed
<i> a foaf:Agent .          # the issuing body
<s> a foaf:Agent .         # the entity being licensed
<p> a foaf:Document .   # some evidence (e.g. scan of a license or
issuer confirmation)
<v> a time:Interval .      # if/when the certification expires

Any insights?


Dorian Taylor

Received on Thursday, 23 January 2014 21:31:58 UTC