Image annotation vocabulary

Hi there!

I’m looking at ways of modeling image annotations from the Wikimedia
Commons (
in RDF for my Google Summer of Code project. So far, I’ve found an
excellent vocabulary (
that would allow me to define parts of images in terms of geometric
shapes and coordinates, onto which I can attach any RDF data I want.
You can see an example of this vocabulary in use here:

Unfortunately, this vocabulary is (1) marked as still undergoing
testing, and (2) hasn’t been updated since 2003. Does anybody here
know of a similar vocabulary that is in active development, or an
alternate approach that might model the Commons’ ImageAnnotator more

This project is part of my Google Summer of Code project to expand
DBpedia’s support for the Wikimedia Commons; if you’re curious and you
missed my update e-mail on this mailing list last week, you can read
it here:

Thanks for your attention!


Received on Saturday, 9 August 2014 06:47:09 UTC